IBEC celebrates 10 years of excellent interdisciplinary research Blog Post

2017 sees the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) celebrate its first ten years of research activity. lt’s been a hair-raisingly fast climb up to the near top of the tree of centres in the Catalan research arena, with IBEC already holding its own alongside bigger and more established organizations for scientific output, number of ERC grants, patents, spin-offs, training programmes, national or EU-level stamps and endorsements, and other important indicators. Yesterday, the 10th Anniversary Commemorative Ceremony and this week’s Symposium on Bioengineering for Future Medicine at the AXA Auditorium kicked off the celebrations.


A study reveals the biological changes in breast cancer between the primary tumour and metastases Blog Post

Researchers at  the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) and the August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBAPS) and have described that the longer the time from the onset of the tumour to the development of metastasis is, the more aggressive this cancer becomes. The work – published in Cancer Research– has also shown that between the initial tumour and the metastasis the subtype of breast cancer can change in up to 40% of cases.


Awards of the UB Board of Trustees and the FBG: Ten years fostering knowledge transfer Blog Post

The Awards of the Board of Trustees of the University of Barcelona (UB) and Bosch i Gimpera Foundation (FBG) –based at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB)– celebrate their tenth edition. These prizes are awarded in two categories: the Antoni Caparrós Prize for the best knowledge transfer project, and the Senén Vilaró Prize for the best innovative company which, since its creation in 2008, has recognized eight companies based at PCB: Meteosim, Biocontrol Technologies, Intelligent Pharma, Enantia, Neurotec Pharma, Infinitec Assets, Endor Technologies and Minoryx Therapeutics.


Carmen Plasencia receives a 2017 ‘femtalent’ award for her Professional Career Blog Post

Carme Plasencia, CEO and cofounder of biotech Aromics, based at the Barcelona Science Park, has won the femtalent award for her Professional Career. Greenaltech and Seed&Click, also located at PCB, received special mention in the categories of ‘Innovation and Organization” with We talent values,  respectively. The presentation of awards took place last Frisay at the Activa Barcelona Technology Park as part of the 2017 edition of the femtalent fòrum, which brought together over 200 attendees and 10 lecturers from the field of entrepreneurship, finances and social innovation.


Iproteos closes a round of funding valued at 1.5 millon Euros Blog Post

Iproteos – based at the Barcelona Science Park– has closed a round of funding valued at 1.5 millon Euros, led by Caixa Capital Risc and with participation of Kinled Holding, a Hong Kong based investment company with offices in London, New York and Zurich, and the biotech ASCIL Biopharm. The company will set aside this injection of capital to the completion of the regulatory preclinical phase of his compound, a first-in-class drug for the treatment of Cognitive Impairment Associated with Schizophrenia (CIAS). The compound is one of the few that are being developed around the world to halt and reverse the cognitive impairment caused by this disease.


Developmental biology offers the key to finding solutions for paediatric cancer, metastasis, and regeneration Blog Post

From today and until Wednesday,  around 20 speakers from around the world and 150 participants will debate cutting-edge research into plasticity and cell migration—two key aspects in paediatric cancer, metastasis, and regeneration, at the Institut d’Estudis Catalans on the occasion of the 18th Barcelona Biomed Conference, an event organised by the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) –based at PCB– with the support of the BBVA Foundation.


The 16th edition of ‘Recerca en Societat’ program starts up at PCB Blog Post

Today, on 19 September 2016, the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) opens the enrollment period to participate in the experimental workshops ‘Fes recerca!’ (Do Research!) and ‘Descobreix la recerca!’ (Discover Research!), which gives the start to the 16th edition of ‘Recerca in Societat’ (Research in Society). This proposal of PCB to bring science to the public and encourage vocations among young people includes over 120  activities, involving annually about 6,000 people.


The Biotechnology Business Institute expands its masters programs Blog Post

Following the success of the Master in Project Management applied to biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry –which is now in the third edition–and the growing professional demand for health science profiles with knowledge in applied management, the Biotechnology Business Institute -based at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB)- is expanding its continuing education offer with two new programs: the Master in Marketing Management and the Master in Business Management.


Vision restoration by molecular prostheses Blog Post

The groups of Pau Gorostiza, ICREA Research Professor in IBEC at PCB and Amadeu Llebaria of IQAC-CSIC have developed molecules that can be applied as light-regulated molecular prostheses to help restore vision in cases of retinal degeneration. Marina Gay, Senior Research Officer in the IRB Barcelona Mass Spec & Proteomics Facility at PCB, has also contributed to a study to develop molecular prostheses to restore sight.