The Forum Innovation Demand reaches Novum Blog Post

The Network of Science and Technology Parks of Catalonia (XPCAT)  in collaboration with the Barcelona City Council, FemCATPimec and Ascamm center, is organizing this Thursday, 30th April, the Demand Innovation Forum at the  Disseny Hub Barcelona. The event features an open innovation space where a series of companies will publicly launch their challenges to foster innovative responses from technology centers, research groups, entrepreneurs and spin-offs. The call for the submission of solutions will be open until 5 June. During the Bizbarcelona, to be held on 1 and 2 of July, a partnership meeting (B2B meetings) will be held between these companies and the selected projects.  


A meeting point aimed at changing business perceptions of research in Biomed Blog Post

More than 150 businesses, researchers and investors gathered yesterday at the  Foro Ciencia Empresa FCRi – Fundación EY, Open Innovation at Biomed, a conference organized by the Catalan Foundation of Research and Innovation (FCRi) and the Fundación EY at the Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site. Several projects of BEC and IRB Barcelona and business proposals from ‘EnantiaIntelligent Pharma, Miru Medical Systems and Stat-Diagnostica –based at the  Parc Científic de Barcelona– were among the 22 Catalan business and biomedical research initiatives that were presented as business opportunities to companies and investors. Montserrat Vendrell, general director of PCB, actively participated at the conference as a speaker in the panel discussion.


Iproteos is among the finalists for the RedEmprendia prize Blog Post

Iproteos has been selected as one of the Spanish finalists for the 2012 RedEmprendia prize for best spin-off project from a University (‘Premio RedEmprendia de la Universidad a la Empresa’). A total of 15 finalists (seven projects from Spanish Universities and eight from other Latin American countries) have been selected for the final stage of this competition, which is promoted by RedEmprendia with support from Banco Santander. The prize will be awarded during the international forum “RedEmprendia Spin2012″, at the end of November.

The PCB houses the 3rd Crea!Emprea session, an initiative from the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation Blog Post

The Bosch i Gimpera Foundation–based at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB)– organised the third edition of Crea!Empresa an initiative born with the objective of encouraging the university community to create technology-based companies. The event took place on the 10 of November at the Cluster Building, Fèlix Serratosa Hall at the PCB. The objective of the session was to share the experiences of the entrepreneurs of today with the entrepreneurs of tomorrow so that this exchange becomes the source of motivation for the birth of new initiatives.