IRB Barcelona opens new laboratory focused on targeted protein degradation as a therapeutic tool Blog Post

Scientist Cristina Mayor-Ruiz joins the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) to lead the new Targeted Protein Degradation and Drug Discovery Lab. Along with the addition of this group, the Institute, based in the Barcelona Science Park, is also launching a Drug Screening Unit, thereby reflecting a clear commitment to speeding up the transfer of basic research to clinical practice.


Arian International and the CEI International Affairs will launch the 2nd edition of the European Proposal Writing Course Blog Post

Arian Internacional -a company associated with Barcelona Science Park (PCB) and accredited by ICEX Spain Export and Investment– and the CEI International Affairs –affliated Center to the University of Barcelona in the diplomacy and international relations field– launch the 2nd edition of the European Proposal Writing Course, offering an Expert title, issued by the University of Barcelona (UB).