The Barcelona Science Park launches the 13th edition of BATX2LAB Blog Post

El Barcelona Science Park (PCB) is organizing for the third year in a row a new edition of BATX2LAB, a tutoring program for research projects undertaken by secondary school students. An informative session will be held on 26 April at 16.00 hours at the PCB´s Auditorium aimed at the teaching stuff of students interested in participating in the program. At this session, teachers will be informed of how the program works and the specific research areas of the scientists who will serve as tutors in this year´s edition.


IRB Barcelona opens brand new laboratory for analysis of genomic ‘big data’ Blog Post

Researcher in the field of bioinformatics and genomics Fran Supek is starting his Genome Data Science (aGENDAS) laboratory at the  Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona), within the Structural and Computational Biology Research Programme. The recruitment of Supek is a clear demonstration of IRB Barcelona’s commitment to offering leadership opportunities to young investigators and to recruiting highly promising scientific talent at its headquarters at the Barcelona Science Park.


Baula has been seclected to become part of the FuTUR Impact program of Ship2B Blog Post

Clean & Health & Eco Baula has been one of the two companies selected to become part of the  FuTUR Impact program, the investment and acceleration platform for high social impact startups in the sector of tourism of the Ship2B Foundation. The company, based at the Barcelona Science Park, has developed an innovative and patented formula worldwide to manufacture and distribute any cleaning product, in the form of individual tablets and easy dissolution, 100% sustainable and responsible to the environment. 


Awards of the UB Board of Trustees and the FBG: Ten years fostering knowledge transfer Blog Post

The Awards of the Board of Trustees of the University of Barcelona (UB) and Bosch i Gimpera Foundation (FBG) –based at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB)– celebrate their tenth edition. These prizes are awarded in two categories: the Antoni Caparrós Prize for the best knowledge transfer project, and the Senén Vilaró Prize for the best innovative company which, since its creation in 2008, has recognized eight companies based at PCB: Meteosim, Biocontrol Technologies, Intelligent Pharma, Enantia, Neurotec Pharma, Infinitec Assets, Endor Technologies and Minoryx Therapeutics.


BIST awards the first five Ignite multidisciplinary projects Blog Post

In the framework of the BIST Founding Conference –held last Friday at the Center for Contemporary Culture of Barcelona– the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) –located at the Barcelona Science Park– announced the five winning proposals for the 1st BIST Ignite call. The program takes place in two phases: in the first, the selected projects will receive 20,000€ each. By the end of 2017, the two projects with the highest potential will be selected to receive additional funding of 50,000€.


Transgenic plants against malaria Blog Post

An international research team led by researchers from the Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG) and the spin-out Sequentia Biotech based at the Barcelona Science Park has been able to obtain, through genetic engineering, Artemisia annua plants that produce twice as much artemisinin molecule, the main component of malaria treatments worldwide. This finding could be a major step towards reducing the production costs of antimalarial drugs.


Bionure project of the GAEM’s Accelerator Programme raises more than €1M via equity crowdfunding Blog Post

With more than €1M raised, Bionure’s campaign ‘#estamosaesto‘ (‘we are this close’) is currently overfunding on the Capital Cell crowdfunding platform.These funds will be used by the company to develop BN201, a promising first-in-class drug candidate halt the development of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Bionure’s MS drug candidate is one of the projects promotes by the Accelerator Programme of GAEM Foundation from its headquarters at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB).


The Barcelona Science Park has strong presence at BIO-Europe Spring Blog Post

BIO-Europe Spring (BES) –the spring edition of the most important partnering congress in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry in Europe– returns to Barcelona in 20-22 March 2017 at the CCIB Convention Centre. After the success of the 2010 and 2013 editions, more than 100 companies and organizations from the BioRegion will be participating in the fair, twice as many as the previous year. This edition features remarkable presence of the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) and a large number of companies and entities from PCB Community.