Esteve and SEFAC come together to implement a therapeutic adherence plan in community pharmacies Blog Post

Esteve and the Spanish Society of Community Pharmacy (SEFAC) have signed an agreement whereby both entities will collaborate in the development of a program of activities to foster and implement a treatment adherence plan in community pharmacies over the next two years. With this alliance, Esteve –which has its Center for Drug Discovery and Preclinical Development at PCB – reaffirms its commitment to provide answers to medical needs not covered properly.


IBEC will coordinate a € 3.5M EU project to train experts in advanced microscopy Blog Post

IBEC‘s Nanoscale Bioelectrical Characterization group at PCB has been awarded 3.6 million euros to coordinate the SPM2.0 project in the framework of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (MSCA-ITN-ETN). The ten consortium members of the SPM2.0 European Training Network – located in Spain, France, Austria, the UK and Italy – will be able to provide researchers with state-of-the-art multidisciplinary scientific training in the field of Scanning Probe Microscopes (SPM), covering basic science to industrial applications, which should enable them to generate new scientific knowledge.


First 3D observation of nanomachines working inside cells Blog Post

Today scientists at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) at the Barcelona Science Park present a study in Cell where they have been able to observe protein nanomachines (also called protein complexes)—the structures responsible for performing cell functions—for the first time in living cells and in 3D. This work has been done in collaboration with researchers at the University of Geneva in Switzerland and the Centro Andaluz de Biología del Desarrollo in Seville.


A public-private project to treat atherosclerosis led by Iproteos receives € 700,000 Blog Post

A public-private consortium led by the biotech  Iproteos – based at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB)– with the participation of the Biomedical Research Institute of Barcelona (IIBB) belonging to the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), has launched a project to validate a new family of compounds for the treatment of cholesterol vascular accumulation associated with atherosclerosis. The project has just received  a grant for 700,000 Euros from the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, through the 2016 Retos-Colaboración call under the scope of the National Programme for Research Aimed at the Challenges of Society (Exp. RTC-2016-5078-1).


Researchers discover a protein that protects against fatty liver Blog Post

A team co-headed by scientists at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) and the IDIBAPS Biomedical Research Institute (part of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona) has revealed the capacity of the CPEB4 protein to prevent fatty liver disease.This condition generally leads to chronic inflammation (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis), which can trigger fibrosis, cirrhosis and ultimately liver cancer. This study on the basic biology of the liver paves the way to examine therapeutic strategies to fight and prevent fatty liver disease. The results have appeared in Nature Cell Biology this week.


Sequentia launches AIR, a platform revolutionizing transcriptomics Blog Post

Sequentia Biotech, based at the Barcelona Science Park, has launched a cloud computing platform called A.I.R. (Artificial Intelligence RNAseq), the first predictive bioinformatics tool that automatically analyzes mass transcriptomic data (ie data linked to the RNA) from the genome of any species, generated by the Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies, providing a complete report in less than 24 hours. 


The fly reveals a new signal involved in limb growth Blog Post

Researchers from IRB Barcelona at the Barcelona Science Park identify a fundamental role of the JAK/STAT signalling pathway in the development and growth regulation of limbs in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Published in Nature Communications, the study paves the way to research into the function of this pathway in vertebrate development and its possible involvement in human congenital diseases.


Natàlia Pérez wins the 2n edition of the ‘A day at PCB’ photography contest Blog Post

Shadows de Natàlia Pérez, researcher at biotech Minoryx Therapeutics, has been the winner of the 2nd edition of the photography contest ‘Un dia al PCB’ (A day at the PCB). The aim of this event organized by the Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB) which brings together over the 2000 people that make up the PCB Community- is to create a collective mosaic with the best snapshots of life at the park. Scientist from IRB Barcelona Amparo Prades, from the Asymmetry Synthesis Research Unit (URSA), has received an accesit award with her photograph Mirada fotogràfica. Awards were presented to the winners today, 22nd of December, at the Dolor Aleu Hall.