Barcelona Science Park takes part in YoMo for the third year running Blog Post

Barcelona Science Park (Parc Científic de Barcelona, PCB) takes an active role in the 3rd edition of the Youth Mobile Festival (YoMo), which today opens its doors at the La Farga de L’Hospitalet exhibition centre, as part of the Mobile World Congress (MWC19 Barcelona). Over five days, YoMo will welcome around 20,000 students visiting from across Catalonia and the rest of Spain, in a huge exposition of science and technology, with live theatre shows, interactive workshops and other offerings to inspire thousands of young people and bring them closer to professional careers in the mobile ecosystem and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics).


Social awareness event for Eudonorgan project at the European Parliament Blog Post

More than 120 professionals from the field of health and other experts from thirty-three countries worldwide have taken part in the social awareness event of the EUDONORGAN project, an initiative directly launched by the European Parliament and led by the University of Barcelona, together with the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation and the DTI Foundation – Donation & Transplantation Institute, both entities located at the Barcelona Science Park. Under the motto “Why organ donation matters to us all?”, on February 18 this forum gathered in the headquarters of the European Parliament in Brussels (Belgium) a wide representation of experts of the field of health, patients, NGOs, support groups and other collectives. 


IBEC researchers generate mini-kidneys vascularized from stem cells Blog Post

Researchers from the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) at the Barcelona science Park, have created, for the first time, 3D organoid cultures from pluripotent stem cells, which resemble human embryonic kidney tissue during the second trimester of pregnancy. Using biomaterials that mimic the embryonic microenvironment, scientifics have also achieved mini-kidneys with relevant features for immediate use in renal disease modeling.

Aromics recieves 1 M€ from the European Union to boost its drug against the asbestos-related hallmark cancer Blog Post

Aromics, a biotech company located at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB), has been awarded with 1,085.659€ from the European Union – through the SME instrument of the Horizon 2020 (H2020-EIC-SMEInst-2018-2020-Phase 2)– for the development of the BERMES project, whose objective is the completion of the regulatory preclinics of NAX035, an innovative therapy for the treatment of malignant mesothelioma, an aggressive and highly refractory tumor directly related to asbestos exposure.


GAEM Foundation: prize-winner in the sixth ‘Solidarity Territories’ awards ceremony Blog Post

The GAEM Foundation was recognised in the sixth edition of BBVA’s and the Fundació Antigues Caixes Catalanes (FACC) ‘Solidarity Territories‘ awards ceremony, winning a €6,000 donation for its “QUEREMOS curarnos. Esclerosis Múltiple” [WE WANT to get cured. Multiple Sclerosis] initiative. This project aims to accelerate the transfer of therapeutic solutions through its Project Accelerator programme, speeding up treatment accessibility to multiple sclerosis patients and helping to improve patient quality of life and to cure the disease.


M. Miralpeix Pharma Consulting establishes its headquarters at the Barcelona Science Park Blog Post

M. Miralpeix Pharma Consulting, specialized in providing scientific and strategic advice to companies and public and private research centres linked to life sciences and healthcare, has opened its headquarters at the Barcelona Science Park. The objective of the consultancy firm is to interact in an ecosystem that enables it to strengthen its links with the main players in the pharmaceutical and biotech sector to boost its R&D&I projects towards a more advanced phase, closer to the market.


The Barcelona Science Park participates in the first “City and Science Biennial” Blog Post

The Barcelona Science Park is to participate in the 1st edition of the “City and Science Biennial”—organised by the Barcelona City Council, via the Culture Institute of Barcelona (ICUB) –with the aim of improving the dissemination of scientific knowledge generated in the city, and creating closer ties with society. The programme, which comprises the participation of 118 entities and the collaboration of academics, researchers, teachers and scientists, includes around 90 activities that will take place between 7 and 11 February in over 72 locations across the city’s ten districts.