The biotechnology company Aromics has been recognized as one of the most innovative Biotecs at the Sino-Europe Healthtech Innovation Week in China Blog Post

The Horizon 2020 project BERMES aimed to develop a novel therapy for malignant mesothelioma, lead by the catalan biotech company Aromics, was recognized as one of the most innovative initiatives at the Sino-Europe Innovation Week of Health Technology which was held from 12th to 16th October at two of the most technological and powerful cities in China: Nanjing and Shanghai. The biotechnology company, located at the Barcelona Science Park, participated in the event as part of a mission organized by the BioRegion of Catalonia to explore new opportunities for collaboration with Chinese companies and institutions and to learn about the experience of other European clusters in the Asian giant.


New Born Solutions chosen to take part in the EIT Health Digital Sandbox Blog Post

New Born Solutions, based in the Barcelona Science Park (PCB), was one of the 10 small and medium-sized enterprises chosen to take part in the Digital Sandbox accelerator programme developed by EIT Health, the Knowledge and Innovation in Health Community, promoted by the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT). The winning start-ups, chosen from around thirty applicants from all over Europe, will receive advisory services and up to €35,000 in funding to develop products and services making use of the data available on biobanks and quality registers in Europe.


IBEC obtains a second accreditation as Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence Blog Post

The Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), based in the Barcelona Science Park, is one of the six centres in Spain to be awarded accreditation in this round of the Severo Ochoa Excellence programme. Furthermore, IBEC is the only center that receives this accreditation for the second time. The awards last for four years and bring a million euros each year to the winning centres, it also implies strengthening research capacities and boosting success rates in other competitive funding programmes.


Biomarkers in blood for faster diagnosis: a new GAEM Accelerator project Blog Post

The GAEM Foundation, headquartered in Barcelona Science Park (PCB) and engaged in promoting biomedical research to cure multiple sclerosis, has added a study conducted by Institut d’Investigació Biomèdica de Girona (IDIBGI) to its Project Accelerator Programme. The objective of the study, led by Dr Jordi Tomàs Roig, is to discover new markers that enable us to predict a patient’s evolution from a simple blood test, while contributing to the design of epigenetic drugs to slow down the disease’s progression.


DD BioLab strengthens its leadership in the Spanish biotechnology sector Blog Post

The acquisition of Cultek and Teknovas by the Dutscher Group, the leading independent distributor of laboratory supplies in Europe, its Spanish subsidiary, DD BioLab, as the leading supplier in Spain of scientific instruments, consumables and laboratory equipment for research in biotechnology and health. Since it was established in Barcelona Science Park in 2014, DD BioLab has registered sustained 39% annual growth. In 2018, its turnover was around €5M and it expects to exceed €10M in 2022. 


DROPLITE opens in Barcelona Science Park Blog Post

DROPLITE, a spin-off of the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO), has joined the Barcelona Science Park’s Community to boost its entrepreneurial project. The company has developed a lab-on-a-chip device that allows a rapid and accurate way to test and monitor key diseases and other health conditions in both humans and animals at the patient Point of Care (POC). 


Nanovectors could improve the combined administration of antimalarial drugs Blog Post

Encapsulating two drugs with different properties into nanovesicles surrounded by antibodies can greatly improve their delivery and efficacy, according to a study led by Xavier Fernández Busquets, director of the joint Nanomalaria unit at the Institute for Bionengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), in the Barcelona Science Park, and the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), supported by ”la Caixa”.