Researchers from CNAG-CRG and IRB Barcelona contribute to the description of the most comprehensive map of cancer genomes Blog Post

The international team of scientists of the ‘Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes Project’ (PCAWG) today published 23 studies in the Nature journals, describing the most comprehensive map of cancer genomes from 38 types of tumours to date. Among the 1,300 researchers who have contributed to the project are scientists from the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) and the Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico (CNAG-CRG) in the Barcelona Science Park.The results are an important step for the development of personalised medicine to treat cancer.


Núria López-Bigas receives the National ‘Doctores Diz Pintado’ Cancer Research Prize Blog Post

Núria López-Bigas, ICREA researcher at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) in the Barcelona Science Park, has received the IX National ‘Doctores Diz Pintado’ Cancer Research Prize for her career path. The researcher is the first female scientist to be presented with this prize, which is presented every year by the Fundación de Investigación del Cáncer de la Universidad de la Salamancaa (FICUS)-Centro de Investigación del Cáncer (USAL-CSIC)  to promote and acknowledge the contribution of young Spanish researchers to Cancer Research.


Esteve acquires German pharmaceutical company Riemser and expands its presence in Europe Blog Post

Esteve have come to an agreement to acquire the German pharmaceutical company Riemser. Headquartered in Berlin, Riemser has subsidiaries in the United Kingdom, France, and Spain and is present in nearly 50 countries through alliances with third parties. This acquisition provides Esteve ––which has its Drug Discovery and Preclinical Development Center at the Barcelona Science Park–– with greater pharmaceutical presence in Europe’s main markets and a portfolio of proprietary specialty products for hospital use. 


Researchers from the CNAG-CRG develop a new classification system for tumours Blog Post

Based on the largest study of cancer patients of its kind, scientists at the Centre Nacional d’Anàlisi Genòmica (CNAG-CRG), located in the Barcelona Science Park, have created a new way of classifying tumours. Clinicians can use genome sequencing to assign their patients’ tumours to one of sixteen groups in the new classification system, ten of which provide important information for the diagnosis and treatment of the disease, like whether an individual will respond to immunotherapy. The work is published in PLOS Computational Biology.


The University of Barcelona bestows an accolade on Esteve Blog Post

In an event held in the Great Hall of the Historic Building of the University of Barcelona, Esteve Pharmaceuticals received an accolade for its long history of collaboration in research, development and innovation. The pharmaceutical group –which has its Drug Discovery and Preclinical Development Center at the Barcelona Science Park– sees recognized his commitment to collaborative innovation to provide solutions to medical needs of high social impact.


Nostrum Biodiscovery wins the 2019 of Senén Vilaró Prize for best innovative company Blog Post

Nostrum Biodiscovery (NBD), located at the Barcelona Science Park, has won the “2019 Senén Vilaró Prize for best innovative company”, one of the four awards conferred by the Board of Trustees of the University of Barcelona (UB) and the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation (FBG). The ceremony for the awards was held yesterday at the Aula Magna of the Historical Building of the UB.


A research team develop biotransistors able to hear small beats of live Blog Post

Researchers at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) in the Barcelona Science Park, in collaboration with the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC), develop a flexible, cheap and biocompatible transistor platform able to record an electrocardiogram of cells and micro-tissues during long periods of time.The platform, based on organic transistor technology (EGOFET), can also measure the effect of drugs on beating cells, as cardiomyocytes, opening the door to several applications such as implantable devices for health.


Aerie Pharmaceuticals announces agreement to acquire Avizorex Pharma for $10 Million Blog Post

La farmacèutica Aerie Pharmaceuticals, que cotitza al Nasqad, ha annunciat l’adquisició d’Avizorex Pharma (AVX Pharma), amb seu al Parc Científic de Barcelona, per un import de 10 millones de dòlares. La companyia, fundada l’any 2013 com a spin-off de la Universitat Miguel Hernandez de Elche (UMH) per l’emprenedor Patrick Tresserras i el professor Carlos Belmonte de l’Institut de Neurociencias (UMH -CSIC), està especialitzada en el desenvolupament de teràpies innovadores per a la síndrome d’ull sec.


Meteosim and Olfasense join forces against environmental pollution due to odours Blog Post

The Catalan company Meteosim, based at the Barcelona Science Park, has signed an alliance with the German multinationa Olfasense to provide a comprehensive solution in the smart management of bad odours and resulting conflicts. Through this alliance, the two companies integrate their leading technology in the Ortelium platform, which enables the analysis of the environmental impact of past, current and future episodes, and includes advanced complaint management tools, facilitating smart decision-making in real time.


Salvador Aznar Benitah receives the “Premio Fundación Carmen y Severo Ochoa 2019” Blog Post

Salvador Aznar Benitah, ICREA at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) in the Barcelona Science Park, as received the “Premio Carmen y Severo Ochoa de Investigación en Biología Molecular” in acknowledgement of his work on adult stem cells and the relation of these with circadian rhythms and metastasis, and also in recognition of his recent entrepreneurial activity as co-founder of Ona Therapeutics.