Dr. Eliandre de Oliveira, cientific leader of the B·Debate on clinical proteomics Blog Post

World leaders in proteomics will meet at CaixaForum Barcelona on 7 and 8 November in an event held by B·Debate, an initiative by Biocat and Obra Social ‘la Caixa’, co-organized in this edition by Barcelona Science Park (PCB), ProteoRed-ISCIII, Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL), Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) and Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO). Four experts of renowned prestige in this field –including Dr. Eliandre de Oliveira, head of the PCB’s Proteomics Platform– will lead the debate.


Researchers design a nano-carrier to release drugs into damaged cells Blog Post

A team headed by the ICREA researcher Manuel Serrano at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona), located in the Barcelona Science Park (PCB), has designed a drug encapsulation system that selectively targets senescent cells. The study, published in EMBO Molecular Medicine, paves the way for therapeutic approaches to eliminate these zombi cells in many diseases, such as pulmonary fibrosis and cancer. This is currently a central goal for many pharmaceutical companies, among them the one co-founded by Manuel Serrano himself Senolytic Therapeutics, based in PCB and in Boston.


ICCUB becomes a Scientifica International technological partner Blog Post

The Institute of Cosmos Sciences (ICCUB) of the University of Barcelona has signed an agreement with the company Scientifica International to work together in the fields of nuclear and particle physics, space sciences and industry. One of the first licensed products for its trade is the Multi-purpose Integrated Circuit (eMUSIC), carried out at the ICCUB technology Unit (ICCUB-TECH), based in the Barcelona Science Park.


SOM Biotech initiates of Phase 2a clinical trial of SOM3355 in Huntington’s disease patients Blog Post

SOM Biotech, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company –with headquarters in Barcelona Science Park– that discovers and develops drugs for orphan indications in the central nervous system,  has initiated of Phase 2a clinical trial of its compound SOM3355 for the treatment of the chorea movements associated to Huntington’s disease. The investigational product is a repositioned drug, currently commercialized for the treatment of hypertension. 


Big Data analysis identifies new cancer risk genes Blog Post

Researchers at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), in collaboration with the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) at PCB, developed a new method to systematically identify genes contributing to heritable cancer risk.The study, published in Nature Communications, is a success story for data sharing and openness in science.


Water can be dead, electrically speaking Blog Post

A research led by Dr. Laura Fumagalli and Nobel Laureate Prof. Andre Geim from the National Graphene Institute at the University of Manchester, reveals that water water that covers every surface around us behaves very differently to normal water. The study, published today in Science, has involved IBEC group leader Gabriel Gomila at the Barcelona Science Park, as well as scientists from Japan’s National Institute for Materials Science. 


Biomedical industry in Catalonia raises €102 million in investment in 2017 Blog Post

Catalan biomedical companies attracted €102 million in investment in 2017, with €3.4 million per operation, on average. This will allow them to push forward in the development of drugs and innovative medical technology, as reflected in the Study on investment in the Biomedical industry in Catalonia: Achievements and future challenges presented by CataloniaBio & HealthTech, based in Barcelona Science Park, and EY on Tuesday at the Círculo de Economía in Barcelona. The event drew a crowd of more than 60 entrepreneurs, investors and professionals from the sector.


Physical forces regulate cell division Blog Post

The research group of ICREA professor Xavier Trepat at IBEC in PCB revelals that cell division in epithelial tissues is regulated by mechanical forces Thie study, published in Nature Cell Biology, could potentially opening avenues to a greater understanding of the uncontrolled proliferation of cancer cells in tumors, and their possible regulation by means of physical forces.


Bionure initiates a Phase 1 clinical trial of its lead compound BN201 in the United Kingdom Blog Post

Bionure, a biotech company based in the Barcelona Science Park that develops neuroprotectant agents to treat neurodegenerative diseases primarily focusing on rare ophthalmologic diseases, announces today the initiation of a Phase 1 clinical trial of its lead compound BN201 in the United Kingd. BN201 is a first-in-class treatment that promotes remyelination and neuroprotection, offering a game-changing solution for neurodegenerative diseases. Both actions make BN201 a promising solution for rare ophthalmologic diseases  and open a research pathway to treat other neurodegenerative diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS).