Oxolife raises €5 million in a funding round and joins the Barcelona Science Park Blog Post

The biotech Oxolife –focused on the development of a new treatment to improve the female fertility rate– has moved its headquarters to the Barcelona Science Park. The company, which has just raised a €5 million funding round, will start a phase II clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of OXO-001, a drug that specifically acts on embryo implantation to increase pregnancy success rate in assisted reproductive technology processes.


DTI Foundation creates the IDOTCOVID international open access database Blog Post

Thanks to its global network of collaborators, the DTI Foundation –based in the Barcelona Science Park– has created the International Database on Organ Donation and Transplantation COVID-19 (IDOTCOVID) with the collaboration of the August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBAPS) –Hospital Clínic de Barcelona and with the endorsement of the IRODaT registry and the LIDOBS observatory. The objective of this initiative is to provide clinical evidence in the scientific community towards the establishment of treatment and management protocols for patients infected with SARS-CoV2.


The European Union has granted the coordination of three European projects to IBEC Blog Post

The European Union has granted the coordination of three European projects to the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) to continue combining medicine, science and technology with the aim of improving people’s health. Among the milestones achieved in recent years by the experts of the Institute, based at the Barcelona Science Park, we can find the development of bioimplants enriched with stem cells or the generation of vascularized mini-kidneys that have helped identify a drug in clinical phase that blocks the effects of SARS-Co-V2.


Scientists at CNAG-CRG and CRG develop a new tool to film genome dynamics Blog Post

Scientists from the Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico (CNAG-CRG) –based in the Barcelona Science Park and integrated into the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG)– have developed TADdyn, a tool that can generate movies of how genomes change over time. The finding, published in Nature Communications, will help researchers worldwide learn much more about the direct relationship between structure and function in the genome.


EIT Health selects Droplite, Ninevah and Oxolife for Headstart program Blog Post

Droplite, Ninevah Therapeutics and Oxolife, presents at the Barcelona Science Park, are three of the 16 Spanish startups that will participate in Headstart, the program of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology in Health (EIT Health) that offers support and financing of up to 50,000 € because emerging companies develop their innovations within a unique ecosystem, which gives them access to financing, experts, contacts and knowledge.


First foal born in Spain using a procedure which enhances reproductive efficiency and genetic preservation in elite animals Blog Post

The first horse conceived as a result of a combination of ovum pick up (OPU) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), two in vitro fertilisation techniques which enhance fertility and enable the genetic preservation of elite animals, has just been born in Catalonia. This birth points to the future of equine assisted reproduction in Spain. It has been made possible by a project carried out entirely in the country led by the Embryotools centre based in the Barcelona Science Park in partnership with CREA Veterinaris and Embriones Equino.


The XIII edition of the Board of Trustees of the UB and the FBG Awards is already open Blog Post

The Awards of the Board of Trustees of the University of Barcelona and the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation for the transfer of knowledge and the creation of innovative companies celebrate their thirteenth edition. These awards aim to promote the return to society of the knowledge acquired through study and research, to stress the importance of technology, knowledge, and innovation transfer projects, and to foster the creation of innovative companies and entrepreneurial culture within the UB Group. The Bosch i Gimpera Foundation is the technology transfer office of the UB since 1983 and is based in the Barcelona Science Park.


GalChimia renews the Crédit d’Impôt Recherche (CIR) accreditation Blog Post

GalChimia has renewed the Crédit d’Impôt Recherche (CIR) accreditation from the French Government, which certifies the company as a provider of R&D services in France. The evaluation is related to the company’s participation in the SHIKIFACTORY100 European project, aimed at the production of compounds of high added value in the chemical, food and cosmetic industries. The Galician company has doubled the surface and staff of its R&D&I center at the Barcelona Science Park, which was opened two years ago to accelerate its growth and internationalization strategy.