IBEC and EMBL brought together more than 150 worldwide experts to debate on the medicine of the future Blog Post

This week, the EMBL-IBEC Winter Conference –organised by the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)– brought together more than 200 international experts in the field of bioengineering at La Pedrera building in Barcelona. At the opening of the event, which was led by the mayor Ada Colau, attention was drawn to Barcelona’s consolidation as an international centre of research and knowledge.


Baula raises €1.3M to take the leap to the B2C sector Blog Post

Baula, a technology-based company focused on the ecological and sustainable development of innovative products for the cleaning sector, has closed a €1.3M financing round. The startup specializing in eco-friendly cleaning products will be earmarking this new injection of funds to bolster its human capital, increase production capacity, consolidate its position in the B2B sector and roll out the second phase of its business plan: conquering the domestic and international B2C markets. Since it was established in 2015 in the Barcelona Science Park, Baula has raised 1.8 million euros in public and private capital. It currently has trade agreements in 16 countries in Europe, Africa, North America and Oceania.


Launch of the ODISSeA Postgraduate Programme on Organ Donation to train experts in Southeast Asia Blog Post

About three hundred experts from Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines and Thailand will be the first generation to complete the ODISSeA Postgraduate Programme in Organ Donation. This initiative is carried out as part of the project ODISSeA, led by the University of Barcelona and promote by DTI Foundation–Donation & Transplantation Institute, based in the Barcelona Science Park, to boost highly specialized training among professionals in this field to the countries of Southeast Asia.


IBEC signs an agreement with ICMS of TU Eindhoven to foster their collaboration Blog Post

The Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), based in the Barcelona Science Park, and the Institute of Complex Molecular Systems (ICMS) at Eindhoven University of Technology, have signed the first agreement between the two institutes to foster their collaboration. This institutional alliance will allow to share resources, knowledge and provide mobility programs.


Droplite and New Born Solutions, winners of the Chemostart Acceleration Programme Blog Post

Droplite and New Born Solutions, with office at the Barcelona Science Park, have been selected to participate in the ChemoStart Programme, an initiative from the Insud Pharma pharmaceutic group, that looks for promoting innovation and disruptive projects that help improving health and well-being of people. Both startups, with VB Devices –also winner of this third edition- will get support to improve their health solutions in internationalization, marketing, scalability or business commercialization.


The University of Barcelona bestows an accolade on Esteve Blog Post

In an event held in the Great Hall of the Historic Building of the University of Barcelona, Esteve Pharmaceuticals received an accolade for its long history of collaboration in research, development and innovation. The pharmaceutical group –which has its Drug Discovery and Preclinical Development Center at the Barcelona Science Park– sees recognized his commitment to collaborative innovation to provide solutions to medical needs of high social impact.


Nostrum Biodiscovery wins the 2019 of Senén Vilaró Prize for best innovative company Blog Post

Nostrum Biodiscovery (NBD), located at the Barcelona Science Park, has won the “2019 Senén Vilaró Prize for best innovative company”, one of the four awards conferred by the Board of Trustees of the University of Barcelona (UB) and the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation (FBG). The ceremony for the awards was held yesterday at the Aula Magna of the Historical Building of the UB.


A research team develop biotransistors able to hear small beats of live Blog Post

Researchers at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) in the Barcelona Science Park, in collaboration with the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC), develop a flexible, cheap and biocompatible transistor platform able to record an electrocardiogram of cells and micro-tissues during long periods of time.The platform, based on organic transistor technology (EGOFET), can also measure the effect of drugs on beating cells, as cardiomyocytes, opening the door to several applications such as implantable devices for health.


Droplite gets €236,000 from the Neotec programme and the European Commission’s Seal of Excellence Blog Post

DROPLITE, a spin-off from the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) located in the Barcelona Science Park (PCB), has won a €236,000 grant from the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) in the latest NEOTEC. The company has also earned the European Commission’s Seal of Excellence, which is awarded to start-ups that have first-class innovation ideas with great potential to open up new markets.


Meteosim and Olfasense join forces against environmental pollution due to odours Blog Post

The Catalan company Meteosim, based at the Barcelona Science Park, has signed an alliance with the German multinationa Olfasense to provide a comprehensive solution in the smart management of bad odours and resulting conflicts. Through this alliance, the two companies integrate their leading technology in the Ortelium platform, which enables the analysis of the environmental impact of past, current and future episodes, and includes advanced complaint management tools, facilitating smart decision-making in real time.