Researchers uncover strategy to reduce chemotherapy side effects Blog Post

Researchers at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), based in the Barcelona Science Park, and the Bellvitge Institute for Biomedical Research (IDIBELL) have developed a light-regulated molecule that could improve chemotherapy treatments by controlling the activity of anticancer agents.


The Human Protein Atlas will pave the way to personalized medicine Blog Post

World leaders in proteomics are meeting with local doctors and researchers today and tomorrow at CosmoCaixa Barcelona, in an event held by B·Debate, an initiative by Biocat and Obra Social ‘la Caixa’, co-organized in this edition by the Barcelona Science Park (PCB), ProteoRed-ISCIII, Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL), Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) and Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO). Four scientists of renowned prestige in this field –including Dr. Eliandre de Oliveira, head of the PCB’s Proteomics Platform– lead this debate.


Researchers at IRB Barcelona explain the origin of the mysterious periodicity of the genome Blog Post

A team of scientists led by Núria López-Bigas –ICREA Research Professor and head of the Barcelona Biomedical Genomics Lab at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona)– have found an explanation for a periodicity in the sequence of the genomes of all eukaryotes, from yeast to humans. The results published in the journal Cell offer an alternative explanation to the one based on natural selection, which has been accepted by the scientific community to date.


IBEC and IRB Barcelona projects awarded funds from the 2017 edition of La Marató de TV3 Blog Post

Yesterday, La Fundació  Marató de TV3 announced the 36 projects awarded funding in the 2017 edition of the telethon, dedicated to infectious diseases. Among them is a project headed by Ernest Giralt, from the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) and Jordi Vila, from the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), and two projects led by Xavier Fernandez-Busquets and Antonio Juarez from the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC).


The PCB participates in a new edition of iFest: the festival of technology, science and disruptive innovation Blog Post

iFest, an event promoted by Catalunya Emprèn which brings young people closer to science, technology and disruptive innovation, is getting ready for a new edition, which will be preceded this year by a four-month learning and mentoring process, the iFest Countdown. During this programme, players will develop prototypes responding to real-life challenges proposed by various entities—including the Barcelona Science Park (PCB), the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) and the Institute of Biomedical Research (IRB Barcelona). In 2019’s iFest Zero, each team will have to defend their project and compete with other participants.


Barcelona Science Park is an accredited provider for the ACCIÓ’s Innovation Coupons programme Blog Post

The Barcelona Science Park (PCB) is an accredited provider for the Innovation Coupons programme, an initiative of ACCIÓ –the Catalan Government Agency for Business Competitiveness– for companies with 5–100 employees that want to carry out an innovative project, be it an improvement in a production process or a new service, product or business model. The 2018 call is now open and the deadline for submission ends on November 27.


The Structural Biology Unit at IBMB-CSIC received 400.000€ from “La Marató de TV3” 2017 edition Blog Post

F. Xavier Gomis Rüth and Núria Verdaguer, director and Scientific Director respectively of the Structural Biology Unit (SBU) at the Institut de Biologia Molecular de Barcelona (IBMB-CSIC) in the Barcelona Science Park, received the “La Marató” award for their projects on infectious diseases at a ceremony celebrated at the Academy of Medical and Health Sciences of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands.


Scientists from IBEC and UPC discover super-stretchy cells Blog Post

In a study published today in Nature, researchers from the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) at PCB and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) report a new physical property of cells  that may explain the unusual ability of cells to undergo extreme deformations without breaking. The research could help us build better artificial organs or new bionic technologies such as organs-on-a-chip.


Cebiotex awarded the Cecot Recognition of Innovation prize 2018 Blog Post

Cebiotex– the first spin-off between the SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital (HSJD) and the Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC)– awarded the Cecot Recognition of Innovation prize 2018. Joan Bertran, CEO and co-founder of the biotechnology company based at the Barcelona Science Park (Parc Científic de Barcelona, PCB), yesterday received the award at the Cecot Recognition of Business Progress prize-giving ceremony at the National Theatre of Catalonia, as part of the 24th Night of the Entrepreneur, which was chaired by the president of Catalonia, Quim Torra.