New clues to analyse gene expression through epigenetics Blog Post

Researchers from the Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico (CNAG-CRG), based in the Barcelona Science Park, and the Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC) have shown that the DNA region known as the first intron, a region to which not much attention had been paid until now, is a key region for analysing gene expression by epigenetic modifications. Anna Esteve-Codina, data analyst of the Functional Genomics team at the CNAG-CRG, is co-author of the paper.


ilS, five years connecting companies with world experts in health sciences Blog Post

The consultancy firm Insights in Life Sciences (ilS), which is based at the Barcelona Science Park, is celebrating its fifth anniversary this year. With more than 100 projects under its belt, 40 clients and a network of 15,000 experts across the world, the company has consolidated itself as an exceptional liaison between pharma, biotech and medical device companies and life sciences’ Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs), with the aim of helping those Companies make suitable decisions for developing their products or successfully handling licence negotiation processes or funding rounds.


A study identifies forty genes related to aggressive behaviour Blog Post

An international study published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry has identified forty genes related to aggressive behaviour in humans and mice. Participants in the study, which could contribute to shape future pharmacological targets, are the researchers Bru Cormand and Noèlia Fernàndez Castillo, from the Faculty of Biology at the University of Barcelona and the Institute of Biomedicine of the UB (IBUB), present at the Barcelona Science Park.


Starts the third edition BIYSC Blog Post

Today and until July 20 will take place the third edition of the Barcelona International Youth Science Challenge (BIYSC), an international program of excellence for young people passionate about science organized by Fundació Catalunya–La Pedrera and with the support of Fundació Víctor Grífols i Lucas. Once more, Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) and the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) –both headquartered at the Barcelona Scientific Park–  participate in the event. The objective of the initiative is to stimulate the talent of pre-university youth from around the world and connect them with leading researchers from international research centers based in Barcelona to promote their enthusiasm for science.


Researchers identify the key sperm proteins for the development of the embryo Blog Post

Scientists from Eugin’s Basic Research Laboratory at the Barcelona Science Park and the Microtubule Function and Cell Division group of the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) have succeeded in identifying 288 proteins found in human sperm and which are key for the formation of the zygote and the subsequent development of the embryo. The results of this research are to be presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of ESHRE, the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, which takes place in Barcelona from July 1 to 4.


New regulator of neuron formation identified Blog Post

The protein NEK7 regulates neuron formation, as it is required for dendrite growth and branching, as well as the formation and shaping of dendritic spines. These are the main conclusions of a study published in Nature Communications and led by Jens Lüders at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) based in the Barcelona Science Park, in collaboration with colleagues at the University of Barcelona (UB) and the Molecular Biology Institute of Barcelona (IBMB-CSIC) at PCB.


Researchers find the genetic basis psychiatric disorders have in common Blog Post

Psychiatric disorders share a great genetic subsceptibility, while non-psychiatric neurological disorders –such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s- have a more specific genetic, according to an article the journal Science has published. The work is the most ambitious and extense on shared genetic factors in brain disorders. In this multicentre study –driven by Verneri Anttila, Aiden Corvi and Ben Neale from the Brainstorm Consortium– participate the lecturers Bru Cormand and Raquel Rabionet, from the Faculty of Biology and members of the Institute of Biomedicine of the UB (IBUB) in the Barcelona Science Park, among more than 500 experts from around the world. 


Genesis Ventures selects the NeuroHeal project by the UAB’s Neurosciences Institute for its first investment Blog Post

The Genesis Ventures fund—managed by the consultancy firm Genesis Biomed headquartered in the Barcelona Science Park—has secured its first deal with its investment of €75,000 in the NeuroHeal project, a new pharmacological combination that accelerates nerve regeneration, developed at the Neurosciences Institute (INc) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). 


Bacteria need vitamins too Blog Post

The research group of Bacterial infections: antimicrobial therapies from the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) in Barcelona Science Park has revealed the essential role played by a vitamin in the development of a common bacterial biofilm. This new knowledge could play a part in understanding the spread of these bacteria, which will help towards the better design of targeted antibacterial drugs.