RAC1 protein could be a new therapeutic target to fight neurodegeneration in Parkinson’s disease Blog Post

A new research study reveals RAC1 protein could be a new therapeutic target to study the molecular mechanisms related to the neurodegenerative processes in Parkinson’s disease. The study, published in the online edition of the journal Molecular Neurobiology, is led by Antonella Consiglio –head of the Laboratory of Stem Cells and Neuroplasticity at the Institute of Biomedicine of the UB (IBUB) in the Barcelona Science Park and researcher at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the University of Barcelona and the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL)– and Esther Dalfo, from the Univesitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Universitat de Vic – Universitat Central de Catalunya.


IRB Barcelona paves the way to the use of immunotherapy to treat aggressive colon tumours and their metastasis Blog Post

A team headed by ICREA researcher Eduard Batlle, from the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) at the Barcelona Science Park, discovers that immune system-stimulating treatments combined with a TGF-beta inhibitor are effective against colon cancer. In a study published today in the journal Nature, scientifics explain that the hormone TGF-beta is responsible for the “blindness” of the immune system to colon cancer cells. The work paves the way for the development of the first treatment based on immunotherapy for patients with metastatic colon cancer and for those patients with poor prognosis but who have not yet developed metastasis.


The oxidation process favours recovery after a spine injury Blog Post

The inflammatory response and oxidation after a nerve injury could favour the regeneration of axons (prolongation of neurons). This is the most relevant conclusion of a pre-clinical study published in the journal Nature Cell Biology, with the participation of researchers from the University of Barcelona (UB) and the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) at the Barcelona Science Park. This work, carried out in collaboration with scientifics from the Imperial College London, suggests that the indiscriminate use of antioxidant therapies on nerve injuries should be examined, since these could block the body’s own regenerative response.


Registration open for the 10th edition of the Summer School on Medicines Blog Post

The 10th Summer School on Medicines (SSM10) will be held in Brazil, in Ribeirão Preto (São Paulo), from March 16–23. The Barcelona Science Park collaborates one more year in this initiative –one of the most innovative and results-oriented programs offered internationally in pharmaceutical sector– organised by the Universitat de Barcelona (UB), Biocat, la Université de Montréal (UdeM) i la Universitat Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier.


CERETOX to present its R&D&I in toxicology potential at the UB-TECNIO Conference Blog Post

The UB-TECNIO Conference on Food, Health Sciences and Industrial Systems is to be held at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) on Tuesday 13 February. The event is organised by the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation (FBG) and will present UB Group TECNIO group and candidate technology to companies which have innovation and development requirements for new products and services. CERETOX is integrated by the PCB’s Experimental Toxicology and Ecotoxicology Technology Platform (UTOX) and the Toxicology Unit of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Barcelona and will be one of the research centres to showcase its potential in R&D&I services for companies.


Oriol Segarra, CEO of Uriach, appointed member of the Board of Directors of Mind the Byte Blog Post

Mind the Byte, located at the Barcelona Science Park, announces the designation of Oriol Segarra, CEO of the pharmaceutical company Uriach, as a new member of the board of directors. With this appointment, the bioinformatics company –specializing in computational drug discovery using Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies– wants to accelerate its business plan for its growth and internationalisation. 


QIAGEN enters into agreement to acquire STAT-Dx Blog Post

Qiagen, a Netherlands-based holding company has entered into an agreement to acquire Stat-Dx –a privately-held company with headquarters at the Barcelona Science Park– for $191 million. The catalan biotec, founded in 2010 by Jordi Carrera and Rafael Bru, is focused on the development, manufacturing and commercialization of “Closer to Care” diagnostic solutions.


IRB Barcelona receives a bequest of 1.5 M € Blog Post

The Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) at the Barcelona Science Park, has received a bequest of 1,552,655 €, which, to honour the wishes of the donors, will support research into cancer and metastasis. This is the first legacy donation that the centre has received, made by a private couple from Barcelona. In addition to this bequest, in recent years other people have expressed their wish to include IRB Barcelona in their wills.


The FBG awards €100,000 to four UB projects for the valorisation of research Blog Post

On 18 January, the FBG, located at PCB, presented the grants of the Valorisation Fund (FVal) of the Fund for the Promotion of Innovation (F2i). Within this funding programme, € 25,000 were awarded to each selected project, which will be used to valorize projects of the University of Barcelona with a high potential for transfer and impact on our society.