ERC Starting Grant for IBEC researcher Lorenzo Albertazzi and IRB scientist Fran Supek Blog Post

The European Research Council (ERC) will award its ERC Starting Grants, worth a total of €605 million, to 406 early-career researchers throughout Europe. IBEC researcher Lorenzo Albertazzi and IRB Barcelona researcher Fran Supek at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) are among this year’s awardees by these grants, which reward researchers with 2-7 seven years of experience since completion of the PhD (or equivalent degree), a scientific track record showing great promise and an excellent research proposal.


The Bosch i Gimpera Foundation signs cooperation agreement with SECOT Blog Post

The Bosch i Gimpera Foundation ((Fundació Bosch i Gimpera, FBG), headquartered at the Barcelona Science Park has signed a cooperation agreement with SECOTbcn, Senior Business Advice Volunteering, to support entrepreneurs and help set up new economic actions that drive entrepreneurial activity in the FBG environment.


Histone 1, the guardian of genome stability Blog Post

Scientists from the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) at the Barcelona Science Park, headed by Ferran Azorín, have discovered why histone 1 is a major protection factor against genomic instability and a vital protein for the organism. Genomic instability is the main risk factor for tumour development in humans. Therefore understanding its origin and exploring therapeutic targets is paramount.


Researchers describe a new brain signalling pathway that regulates body weight Blog Post

An article published in the journal Cell Metabolism –which counts with the participation of the researchers Francesc Villarroya and Joan Villarroya, from the Faculty of Biology and the Institute of Biomedicine of the University of Barcelona (IBUB) at PCB– describes for the first timethe molecular mechanism that regulates the lipid metabolism in the liver through a hypothalamus-coordinated pathway in the brain. Study results open new horizons to the therapy design to treat obesity and other metabolic diseases.


SOM Biotech opens a €10 million Series A funding round Blog Post

The biopharmaceutical company SOM Biotech –and specialised in repositioning drugs to treat rare nervous system diseases– has just opened a Series A round with the goal of raising €10 million, targeted to top US and European biotech venture capital. Since it was founded at the Barcelona Science Park in 2009, SOM Biotech has raised more than €5.3 million from public and private capital, and has placed 8 patents for new medical indications and formulations.


Seminar on CDTI Instruments to fund R&D&i projects and startups Blog Post

On July 25 the Barcelona Science Park – in collaboration with the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), Biocat and the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation (FBG)- organizes a seminar to introduce the different instruments that the CDTI has to fund R&D&i projects and to present the initiatives of its programs for this 2017 in the healthcare sector.


The 16th edition of the ‘Spend the summer at the Park!’ program has started Blog Post

The welcome ceremony to participants of the Spend the summer at the Park! program as held today, Monday, July 10. The aim of this initiative –organised annually by the Barcelona Science Park (PCB)– is to bring research closer to students of any university in the world through their participation in projects currently being carried out in research groups, research centres and companies based at the PCB.


Present your innovative project at the Asebio Investor Day! Blog Post

The Spanish Bioindustry Association (ASEBIO) and the Spanish Biotech Platform organize the Asebio Investor Day, in collaboration with PCB and Biocat and with the support of ICEX-Invest in Spain. The event will be held on 26 and 27 September at PCB and it is composed of two parts: An investor forum, with leading investors and pharmaceutical companies from around the world on 27 September, and a seminar given by Johnson & Johnson Innovation JLABS on 26 Setember.