The PCB participates in a new edition of iFest: the festival of technology, science and disruptive innovation Blog Post

iFest, an event promoted by Catalunya Emprèn which brings young people closer to science, technology and disruptive innovation, is getting ready for a new edition, which will be preceded this year by a four-month learning and mentoring process, the iFest Countdown. During this programme, players will develop prototypes responding to real-life challenges proposed by various entities—including the Barcelona Science Park (PCB), the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) and the Institute of Biomedical Research (IRB Barcelona). In 2019’s iFest Zero, each team will have to defend their project and compete with other participants.


Scientists from IBEC and UPC discover super-stretchy cells Blog Post

In a study published today in Nature, researchers from the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) at PCB and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) report a new physical property of cells  that may explain the unusual ability of cells to undergo extreme deformations without breaking. The research could help us build better artificial organs or new bionic technologies such as organs-on-a-chip.


The UTOX-PCB Unit renews and extends its certificate of compliance with Good Laboratory Practices Blog Post

The Unit of Experimental Toxicology and Ecotoxicology of the Barcelona Science Park has renewed its certificate of compliance with Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) for the conduct of all types of in vivo and in vitro toxicology studies, mutagenicity studies and ecotoxicity studies involving medicinal products for human and veterinary use, medical devices and cosmetics. The site has also extended the certification for microbiological studies of bactericide efficiency. 


Bionure appoints Dr. Laurent Nguyen as CEO Blog Post

Bionure Farma, a biotech company specialized in neuroprotection, today announces the appointment of Dr. Laurent Nguyen as the new Chief Executive Officer of the company and names Dr. Amit Bar-Or as member of its Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) led by Dr. Pablo Villoslada, the scientific founder of the company.


Tumor cell expansion challenges current physics Blog Post

The journal Nature Physics published a study by a team led by Xavier Trepat, ICREA researcher at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) in the Barcelona Science Park and lecturer at the Department of Biomedicine University of Barcelona (UB), and Jaume Casademunt, professor of Physics at the UB, reveals the forces these tumor cells use to spread. The relation between these forces and the cell movement goes beyond current physical laws. 


The Barcelona Science Park is set to have a strong presence at BioSpain 2018 Blog Post

From 25 to 27 September, the FIBES Exhibition Congress Centre in Seville will be the venue for BioSpain 2018, one of the the largest biotech event in Europe and the fifth most important event in the world in terms of number of partnering meetings. This 9th edition of the event is being organised by the Spanish Bioindustry Association (ASEBIO) together with the Regional Government of Andalusia, through the IDEA Agency. Nearly one hundred companies and institutions from the BioRegion of Catalonia – including the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) and a large number of entities located in the Park – have confirmed their attendance at the fair, which is held every two years in a different Spanish city.


Barcelona Science Park celebrates 20 years as a scientific and business innovation centre Blog Post

Yesterday, Barcelona Science Park (Parc Científic de Barcelona, PCB) held the first of a number of events scheduled to commemorate its 20 years as a meeting place for universities, companies and society. Established by the University of Barcelona (UB) in 1997 with the mission of promoting formulas to enhance research excellence, knowledge transfer and entrepreneurship, it was the first science park in Spain. Twenty years after the first brick was laid, the Barcelona Science Park is now one of Europe’s leading science, technology and business innovation parks for life sciences. Covering an area of over 100,000 m2, it boasts a wide range of scientific and technological infrastructures and an innovative community made up of more than 100 public and private entities and 2,700 professionals