IBEC PhD student receives Daniel Bravo scholarship Blog Post

Jesús Ordoño, PhD student at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), based in the Barcelona Science Park, is one of just three winners in the 2018 call by the Daniel Bravo Andreu Private Foundation grants, which aims to to stimulate high impact biomedical research in Catalonia with scholarships to researchers (in possession of a doctorate, bachelor’s degree or equivalent) who carry out their activity in Catalonia and who wish to make short stays at leading centres in their field in North America or Europe.


Mind the Byte opens an office in Toronto Blog Post

Mind the Byte, a pioneer company in the development of technologies based on artificial intelligence, cloud and big data for computational drug design, located in the Barcelona Science Park, announces the incorporation of a Canadian subsidiary, Mind the Byte Ltd, and the opening of a new office in Toronto. The new location in the heart of city’s tech hub is ideally situated in Canada’s largest biotech cluster, offering a range of opportunities for collaboration and partnership.


GalChimia opens an R&D centre in the Barcelona Science Park Blog Post

Galician company GalChimia –a specialist in organic chemistry products and services for the pharmaceutical industry– has today opened its R&D centre in the Barcelona Science Park to step up its growth and internationalisation strategy. With this first subsidiary the Galicia-based company expects to increase its turnover by 25% over the next two years and step up its growth and internationalisation plan.


Kelly Arrontes combines art and science in her “Water is Life” mural Blog Post

Kelly Arrontes has completed her artistic project at the Barcelona Science Park which she began in January. Created with the sponsorship of Agbar, the mural depicts water’s four states as it runs for 125 metres along the corridor that connects the Cluster I and Cluster II buildings. Kelly Arrontes, who is legally blind as she only has 9% of normal vision, is a member of ONCE. Her “Water is Life” project won a PCB art contest which was open to the public and anonymously judged.


Salvador Aznar Benitah receives an ERC Advanced Grant worth €2.5 M Blog Post

The European Research Council (ERC), a pan-European public organisation that funds research projects, has awarded Salvador Aznar Benitah, ICREA researcher and head of the Stem Cells and Cancer laboratory at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona), an Advanced Grant worth €2.5 to continue his studies on the effects of diet on metastasis. With this new award, the centre –located at the Barcelona Science Park– now holds 14 grants from the ERC.


New Born Solutions creates the first non-invasive 3-second screening device for infant meningitis Blog Post

The Catalan start-up New Born Solutions has created the first non-invasive screening device for infant meningitis to work in only three seconds. Headquartered in the Barcelona Science Park, the company is one of twenty beneficiaries of the ACCIÓ Startup Capital grant—a cash injection of up to 75,000 euros intended to promote the growth of emerging technology companies—with the product expected to be marketed in 2020.


The Fem Talent 2018 Awards recognize Judit Anido and ProteoDesign Blog Post

Two companies based in the Barcelona Science Park have been recognized in this year’s edition of the Fem Talent awards. Dr Judit Anido, co-founder and CEO of Mosaic Biomedicals, has received the “Emerging Talent” award, and the company ProteoDesign –created by Silvia Frutos, Miquel Vila-Perelló, Silvia Frutos, Marc Montserrat and Tom W. Muir– has been a finalist in the ‘Organisation with Fem Talent Values’ category.


CRG and Eugin sign a collaboration agreement on molecular research applied to assisted reproduction Blog Post

The Eugin Group, present in the Barcelona Science Park, and the Centre for Genomic Regulation of Barcelona (CRG) have signed a partnership agreement in molecular research applied to assisted reproduction. According to this alliance, four research groups from CRG will work together with the Eugin R&D team led by Dr Rita Vassena to carry out research on issues related to the effects of the ageing of eggs or vaginal mycobiota.