A genome-editing strategy to study cancer stem cells in human tumours Blog Post

In EMBO Molecular Medicine, IRB Barcelona scientists at PCB report a technique based on a combination of CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing and patient-derived tumour organoids that allows the study of cell heterogeneity in human tumours.The novel approach was used to examine the behaviour of colorectal cancer stem cells by tracing specific marker genes.


Experience the leading science with its main actors! Blog Post

Getting society closer to science, creating scientific vocation and making interaction easier between the audience and scientists are the main goals of the 15th edition of the Live Research Fair, which will take place in CosmoCaixa Barcelona from the 3rd to the 6th of May. The event is co-organized by the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) and the Obra Social “la Caixa”, with the support from the Barcelona City Council and the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT).


Esteve y Farmamundi renew their collaboration agreement to provide humanitarian aid Blog Post

Esteve and Farmamundi have renewed their collaboration agreement once again, under which the laboratory participates as a member of the organization’s emergency fund and, at the same time, as a provider of medicines. The medical and pharmaceutical material donated by esteve in 2016 were distributed to hospitals, clinics, health centers, welcome centers for sick people, refugee camps, orphanages and nursing homes in 23 countries.


A study reveals the biological changes in breast cancer between the primary tumour and metastases Blog Post

Researchers at  the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) and the August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBAPS) and have described that the longer the time from the onset of the tumour to the development of metastasis is, the more aggressive this cancer becomes. The work – published in Cancer Research– has also shown that between the initial tumour and the metastasis the subtype of breast cancer can change in up to 40% of cases.


The Barcelona Science Park launches the 13th edition of BATX2LAB Blog Post

El Barcelona Science Park (PCB) is organizing for the third year in a row a new edition of BATX2LAB, a tutoring program for research projects undertaken by secondary school students. An informative session will be held on 26 April at 16.00 hours at the PCB´s Auditorium aimed at the teaching stuff of students interested in participating in the program. At this session, teachers will be informed of how the program works and the specific research areas of the scientists who will serve as tutors in this year´s edition.


IRB Barcelona opens brand new laboratory for analysis of genomic ‘big data’ Blog Post

Researcher in the field of bioinformatics and genomics Fran Supek is starting his Genome Data Science (aGENDAS) laboratory at the  Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona), within the Structural and Computational Biology Research Programme. The recruitment of Supek is a clear demonstration of IRB Barcelona’s commitment to offering leadership opportunities to young investigators and to recruiting highly promising scientific talent at its headquarters at the Barcelona Science Park.


Baula has been seclected to become part of the FuTUR Impact program of Ship2B Blog Post

Clean & Health & Eco Baula has been one of the two companies selected to become part of the  FuTUR Impact program, the investment and acceleration platform for high social impact startups in the sector of tourism of the Ship2B Foundation. The company, based at the Barcelona Science Park, has developed an innovative and patented formula worldwide to manufacture and distribute any cleaning product, in the form of individual tablets and easy dissolution, 100% sustainable and responsible to the environment. 


Awards of the UB Board of Trustees and the FBG: Ten years fostering knowledge transfer Blog Post

The Awards of the Board of Trustees of the University of Barcelona (UB) and Bosch i Gimpera Foundation (FBG) –based at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB)– celebrate their tenth edition. These prizes are awarded in two categories: the Antoni Caparrós Prize for the best knowledge transfer project, and the Senén Vilaró Prize for the best innovative company which, since its creation in 2008, has recognized eight companies based at PCB: Meteosim, Biocontrol Technologies, Intelligent Pharma, Enantia, Neurotec Pharma, Infinitec Assets, Endor Technologies and Minoryx Therapeutics.