Transgenic plants against malaria Blog Post

An international research team led by researchers from the Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG) and the spin-out Sequentia Biotech based at the Barcelona Science Park has been able to obtain, through genetic engineering, Artemisia annua plants that produce twice as much artemisinin molecule, the main component of malaria treatments worldwide. This finding could be a major step towards reducing the production costs of antimalarial drugs.


Samuel receives the Catalonian National Research Award for Young Talent Blog Post

Yesterday IBEC group leader and ICREA research professor Samuel Sánchez at PCB, received the Catalonian National Research Award for Young Talent from the Catalan Government and the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation (FCRI).This prestigious honour and cash prize of €10,000 aims to encourage and acknowledge young researchers whose work and research has stood out during their professional career.


The Barcelona Science Park has strong presence at BIO-Europe Spring Blog Post

BIO-Europe Spring (BES) –the spring edition of the most important partnering congress in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry in Europe– returns to Barcelona in 20-22 March 2017 at the CCIB Convention Centre. After the success of the 2010 and 2013 editions, more than 100 companies and organizations from the BioRegion will be participating in the fair, twice as many as the previous year. This edition features remarkable presence of the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) and a large number of companies and entities from PCB Community.


Researchers find a gene that causes Opitz C syndrome in the only patient diagnosed in Catalonia Blog Post

A team led by the professors Daniel Grinberg and Susana Balcells, from the Institute of Biomedicine of the University of Barcelona (IBUB) at the Barcelona Science Park has identified a gene that causes the Opitz C syndrome in the only patient in Catalonia diagnosed with this genetic disease  which, so far, does not offer treatment possibilities, prenatal diagnosis or genetic counseling. This new scientific advance is a first step to discover the genetic bases of this congenital disease, that causes severe disabilities in patients and has been diagnosed in three people in the Iberian Peninsula, and sixty people in the world.  


Researchers from CNAG-CRG show that cryopreservation increases the scope of single cell sequencing Blog Post

Researchers from the Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico (CNAG-CRG) at the Barcelona Science Park have substantially broadened the applicability of single cell genomics by combining cell and tissue cryopreservation with workflows of this emerging research field. According to the study, published in Genome Biology, cryopreserved material can be readily combined with conventional single cell sequencing methods and the authors foresee its implementation as standard technique in this type of analysis.


Pangea Oncology, the first laboratory accredited in Spain to perform liquid biopsy for cancer treatment Blog Post

Pangaea Oncology –located at the Dexeus University Hospital and associated company of PCB – has been the first laboratory to be accredited in Spain for the determination of oncological biomarkers in blood (liquid biopsy) by the norm UNE-EN ISO 15189. This laboratory has great experience in the field of oncology, and was the first to be accredite in 2009 for the analysis in tissue of mutations in genes related to tumor processes, specifically in lung cancer. The result of these analyzes allows to predict the response to certain drugs and to apply personalized medicine to patients.


El Parc Científic de Barcelona participa al YoMo amb múltiples propostes Blog Post

El Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB) participa activament a la  primera edició del Youth Mobile Festival (YoMo) que avui obre les seves portes al recinte Montjuïc de Fira Barcelona, en el marc del Mobile World Congress. Durant quatre dies, el YoMo rebrà la visita de uns 20.000 escolars de Catalunya i Espanya, en una enorme exposició de ciència i tecnologia, amb espectacles de teatre en viu, tallers interactius i altres propostes per inspirar a milers de joves i apropar-los a les carreres professionals de l’ecosistema mòbil i STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematic).


The V International Academic Symposium of IEB analyses the challenges of energy economics Blog Post

Yesterday, February 7, the V International Symposium of the Barcelona Institute of Economics (IEB) of the UB on the challenges in the energy sector took place at he Barcelona Science Park. The previous day, the Foundation for Energy and Environmental Sustainability (Funseam), which analyzes and shares the results of the research of the Chair of Energy Sustainability of the UB, had also organized its V International Symposium at PCB with the participation from public officers and businesspeople from the main firms of this sector.