Mind the Byte and Prosilico sign a strategic partnership agreement Blog Post

Mind the Byte, located at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) and at Copenhagen BioScience Park (COBIS), announces that it has just signed an agreement to share technology with the Swedish-based company Prosilico. This agreement fits with the Catalan bioinformatics company’s plans to expand internationally through strategic alliances and increase its range of services.


Bioengineering for Healthy Ageing Blog Post

Under the theme of “Bioengineering for Healthy Ageing. Adding Life to Years”, more than 75 international scientists, clinicians and other experts met yesterday at CosmoCaixa Barcelona in an event hosted by B·Debate, an initiative of Biocat and the “la Caixa” Foundation. In this edition, the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) –based at the Barcelona Science Park– led the event that brougth together world-renowned researchers to examine possible solutions bioengineering can provide to address the challenges an ageing population faces.


Barcelona Science Park to take part in 1st ENABLE symposium Blog Post

The Barcelona Science Park (Parc Científic de Barcelona, PCB) will be well represented at the first ENABLE symposium, a three-day international biomedical event organised by doctoral students and postdoctoral scientists from all over the world to underpin their professional futures in the European setting. The project is coordinated by the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (Institut de Recerca Biomèdica, IRB Barcelona) from its headquarters at the PCB and has been awarded €500,000 by the Horizon 2020 SwafS – Celebrating European Science programme. 


Three innovation projects at IRB Barcelona are granted funding for market development Blog Post

The Catalan’ Government’s Agency for Management and of University and Research Grants (Agencia de Gestió i Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR)) has awarded around 220,000 euros to three innovation projects underway at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) at the Barcelona Science Park. These funds have been provided through the 2016 Knowledge Industry grant call, a programme cofunded by European Regional Development Funds (ERDFs) devoted to Catalonia in the period 2014-2020.


Histone 1, the guardian of genome stability Blog Post

Scientists from the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) at the Barcelona Science Park, headed by Ferran Azorín, have discovered why histone 1 is a major protection factor against genomic instability and a vital protein for the organism. Genomic instability is the main risk factor for tumour development in humans. Therefore understanding its origin and exploring therapeutic targets is paramount.


Errors made by ‘DNA spellchecker’ revealed as important cause of cancer Blog Post

A study developed by Fran Supek (currently a group leader at IRB Barcelona at the Barcelona Science Park) and Ben Lehner at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) in Barcelona reveal that many mutations in human cancers are caused by mistakes made by a repair mechanism or ‘DNA spellchecker’ rather than the actual damage to DNA caused by the environment. High levels of alcohol, sunlight, and tobacco consumption increase the rate at which this happens, resulting in more mutations in the most important parts of our genomes.


IBEC group develops a nanoscale imaging method that shows electron transfer pathways Blog Post

An IBEC group at the Barcelona Science Park has developed a new imaging method that can characterize the conductance of single molecules, shedding light on the molecular mechanisms behind biological processes such as respiration, photosynthesis and repair. Publishing in the journal Small, the Nanoprobes and Nanoswitches group describe a new way to observe conduction pathways in redox proteins and complexes – in which the transfer of electrons causes a change in oxidation – at the nanoscale.