Ordesa saw turnover grow to €112.4 millions, up 4.7%, in 2014 Blog Post

Laboratorios Ordesa today announced its results for the 2014 year, which reveal a growing trend mainly due to increased sales, cutting structural costs, implementing more efficient sales policies and consolidating foreign markets the company had opened in previous years. Since 2007, the Ordesa Group has a R&D&i center at Barcelona Science Park, from where the company actively participates in clinical studies and national and international research projects in the areas of immunology and cognitive development. The elaboration of hydrolyzed cereals, liquid milk, or the launching of the first porridge with bifidus effect, and supplemented infant formulas are some of the results from these projects. 

AWS Truepower takes part in the WindPower American Wind Energy Association fair Blog Post

One more time, AWS Truepower, one of the world’s leading consultancy firms in the field of renewables energies, is present at the Windpower fair of the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) that is starting today and will run until Thursday at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando (Florida). The subsidiary company for Europe and Latin America –AWS Truepower SLU– is based at the Parc Cientific de Barcelona (PCB).

Ordesa leads the Smartfoods project Blog Post

The Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) has granted the Smartfoods industrial research project for the development of smart food to a consortium of companies led by Ordesa from this R&D&i center at Parc Científic de Barcelona.The aim of this research is the design of foods and screening tests that will help reduce the risk of some of the most frequently occurring diseases that will cause 3 of every 4 deaths in 2020.

Avizorex Pharma announces Grant of U.S. Patent for its treatment of dry eye syndrome Blog Post

Avizorex Pharma, a biopharmaceutical company developing novel therapeutics for Dry Eye Disease, has announced that it has received a Notice of Allowance from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for compositions and methods of treatment covering AVX-012, a topical treatment for Dry Eye Syndrome (DES) with a new mechanism of action currently undergoing late-stage preclinical studies. Avizorex Pharma is an ophthalmology biotech backed by Inveready Venture Capital with headquarters in Elche (Alicante, Spain) and offices at Barcelona Science Park (PCB).


Iproteos closes the first ‘crowdfunding’ campaign of the Spanish biotech sector Blog Post

The biotech Iproteos -located at the Parc Cientific de Barcelona- has managed to successfully close an innovative funding campaign based on equity crowdfunding with the aim of raising € 100,000 for the development of a new drug to stop progression and reverse the cognitive deficits associated with schizophrenia: IPR019. The funds raised will allow the biotech -a spin-off from the University of Barcelona (UB) and the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) – complete the preclinical non-regulatory stage of the compound to begin clinical trials in 2016.


Agrasys launches to the market the first newly created cereal in the world for human consumption Blog Post

Agrasys, a spin-off of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) located at the Barcelona Science Park, has launched to the market Tritordeum, the first newly created cereal marketed in the world for human consumption. The official presentation took place at Hotel Claris in Barcelona, with a welcome by members of Agrasys and the participation of master baker Josep A. Ribas, author of the Cruixent artisan breads bakery, and Chef Josep M. Freixa, presently head of the Tradició Freixa Restaurant (awarded with a Michelin star).

Bioingenium col•labora en dos projectes d’obtenció de fàrmacs per a malalties òrfanesTO TRANSLATE >>> Blog Post

L’empresa Bioingenium, que té la seu al Parc Científic Barcelona i està especialitzada en el desenvolupament de processos productius per al món biotecnològic, col•labora actualment en dos projectes per al desenvolupament de fàrmacs per a malalties minoritàries: IMAPPROT, que té com a objectiu millorar el tractament que existeix avui dia per a l’anomenada malaltia de Fabry, i el desenvolupament d’un nou fàrmac per allargar la vida dels afectats per l’esclerosi lateral amiotròfica (ELA).

L’ Espai Movistar s’instal.la al costat del PCBTO TRANSLATE >>> Blog Post

L’Espai Movistar, fins fa poc ubicat al Fòrum, s’instal·larà a partir del novembre al costat del nou Edifici Satèl·lit del Parc Científic de Barcelona, (PCB), concretament a la Plaça Bederrida, entre els carrers Pau Gargallo, Martí i Franquès, Baldiri i Reixach i Pascual Vila. El seu trasllat es va acordar en un conveni que la UB va signar a finals de juliol amb l’Ajuntament de Barcelona.