OilFlux opens a R&D&i center at the Barcelona Science Park Blog Post

OilFlux, specialized in the development of technology that increases the efficiency of processes within the crude oil industry, has opened a R&D&i centre at the Barcelona Science Park. The objective of the company –which develops, manufactures and distributes its products to countries across all five continents– is to increase the quality of the ongoing research and development (R&D) of its formulations to resolve the problems associated with the crude oil and natural gas extraction processes and to reduce the environmental impact as well.


Characterisation of the structure and function of a member of the L-Amino acid Transporter (LAT) family Blog Post

Scientists at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) in the Barcelona Science Park and the CIBER of Rare Diseases (CIBERER) – in collaboration with the Institute of Molecular Biology of Barcelona (IBMB-CSIC) at PCB, and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center-Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS) – have now characterised the structure of a member of the LAT family. Mutations in L-amino acid transporters (LATs) can lead to a wide range of conditions, such as autism, hearing loss and aminoacidurias. The work has been published in the journal Nature Communications.


World’s first baby is born in Greece through of Maternal Spindle Transfer technique developed by Embryotools Blog Post

Through pioneering clinical research, Embryotools, based in the Barcelona Science Park, and Institute of Life in Athens have achieveg birth of the world’s first healthy baby through the pioneering Maternal Spindle Transfer method to solve infertility problems. This technique was implemented by the Greek IVF center and Spanish research center to address fertility issues associated with multiple in vitro fertilization (IVF) failures caused by cytoplasmic dysfunction of the oocytes or rare mitochondrial genetic diseases.


The “Volta Ciclista a Catalunya” and GAEM Foundation, a caring tandem Blog Post

The Volta Ciclista a Catalunya associates to GAEM Foundation, creating a caring tandem in the fight to find a cure for Multiple Sclerosis. The exceptional media coverage of “La Volta” –one of the most important races with a long trajectory in the world– will give voice and make visible the need to promote research projects to find a cure for this neurological disease –which affects about 50,000 people in Spain– and improve the quality of life of the patients.


Urea-powered nanomotors a promising therapy for bladder cancer Blog Post

The Smart Nano-Bio-Devices group at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) in the Barcelona Science Park have published a paper describing nanomotors that can attack 3D bladder cancer spheroids in vitro. The study reveals that nanomotors are a promising way to specifically target tumor tissues, enhancing the efficacy of cancer treatment and minimizing side effects.


Hipra opens an R&D centre at the Barcelona Science Park Blog Post

Hipra, the multinational company dedicated to the research, production and marketing of animal health products, has opened an R&D centre at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB). The company from Girona (Spain) is one of the world’s leading veterinary vaccine and biological medicine companies and boasts more than thirty subsidiaries across the globe.


The 29th edition of the DTI’s “Curso Superior Internacional en Donación y Trasplante de Órganos y Tejidos” is inaugurated at PCB Blog Post

Today marked the inauguration of the 29th edition of the Curso Superior Internacional en Donación y Trasplante de Órganos y Tejidos at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB). The programme, organised by the Donation & Transplantation Institute (DTI), will be executed until 22 February in Barcelona and Sant Hilari Sacalm, with the participation of forty-nine students from Spain and eleven different Latin American countries.