Baula donates 18,000 cleaning kits to Càritas Girona Blog Post

The startup Baula, based in the Barcelona Science Park, has donated 18,000 kits of ecological cleaning products to Cáritas Diocesana de Girona, which will be distributed as basic necessities to vulnerable families cared for by the entity. The capsule format facilitates transportation and logistics compared to conventional products. The provision of goods to 18,000 families would equate to 72,000 kilograms of conventional cleaning products. In comparison, Baula’s tablets weigh a total of 4,500 kilograms.


Esteve adds its weight to the fight against the pandemic through donations and research collaborations Blog Post

Esteve is participating in 3 European projects aimed at identifying and/or repositioning drugs that are active against COVID-19; at detecting SARS-CoV-2 ; and at analyzing the involvement of the sigma-1 receptor in the viral infection cycle. Additionally, the pharmaceutical group –which has its Drug Discovery and Preclinical Development Center at the Barcelona Science Park– has made donations targeted at health professionals, patients and people on the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Bioengineering contributes to new advances against childhood cancer Blog Post

Researchers from the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) at the Barcelona Science Park, the INCLIVA Health Research Institute and the Hospital Clínico de Valencia have discovered how the rigidity of the tumor extracellular matrix affects the aggressiveness of neuroblastoma, a cancerous tumor that affects mainly children. The study, published in Scientific Reports, opens the door to generate more accurate models to predict tumor development in patients and to work in the design of new treatments.


Avinent collaborates with Althaia and other institutions to produce PPE with 3D printing technology Blog Post

The company Avinent, present in the Barcelona Science Park, is doing a collaborative project with Althaia Foundation, Bages University Foundation (FUB-UManresa), Eurecat, the Universitat Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC) and Manresa City Council to produce Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) with 3D printing technology. This alliance is concreted with the fabrication of face protection screens and door handles to open with the forearm.


Histones and their modifications are crucial for adaptation to cell stress Blog Post

The Cell Signaling laboratory at IRB Barcelona, ​​led by Eulàlia de Nadal and Francesc Posas at the Barcelona Science Park, has identified more than 200 regions (amino acids) in histones that are responsible for regulating the response to cell stress. The study reports that histones undergo distinct modifications depending on the type of cell stress.


SOM Biotech announces the in vitro confirmation of three drug candidates for COVID-19 with the Ewha Womans University Blog Post

SOM Biotech, a clinical-stage drug discovery and development company based in the Barcelona Science Park, announces the in vitro validation of three drug candidates as new therapies for the treatment of COVID-19 in collaboration with the Ewha Womans University in South Korea. A patent application has been filed to provide method of use protection for the three compounds worldwide. All three drugs can be repurposed to treat COVID-19 and the company is working on the fastest way to prove them in patients.


Chemotargets opens an investment round to enter a new phase of growth Blog Post

Chemotargets, a global leader in predictive analytics solutions for the pharma and biotech sector, begins a phase of transformation to expand its activity in the drug discovery sector as a biotechnology company. The company, based in the Barcelona Science Park, is opening an investment round to undertake the transformation of its business model, with tadvice and support of GENESIS Biomed, also located in the Park, and CREA Inversión. 


The Park collaborates on a project for mass COVID-19 testing service led by IBEC, IRB Barcelona and CNAG-CRG Blog Post

The Government of Catalonia has approved the creation of the Orfeu Programme with the aim of having new diagnostic tests for COVID-19, as a complement to the capacity of the health system. In an initial phase, there will be two mass testing sites: one at the Barcelona Science Park, jointly coordinated by the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) and the Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico (CNAG-CRG); and another coordinated by the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) at its labs at the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB).