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Sequentia launches AIR, a platform revolutionizing transcriptomics

By 12 de January de 2017No Comments
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Sequentia launches AIR, a platform revolutionizing transcriptomics

Sequentia Biotech, based at the Barcelona Science Park, has launched a cloud computing platform called A.I.R. (Artificial Intelligence RNAseq), the first predictive bioinformatics tool that automatically analyzes mass transcriptomic data (ie data linked to the RNA) from the genome of any species, generated by the Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies, providing a complete report in less than 24 hours. 


Transcriptomics studies the transcriptome, the set of ribonucleic acid molecules (RNA) that exist in a cell, tissue or organ, which play a key role in the regulation of gene expression and other important processes in cell biology.

Transcriptomes are highly variable because they provide information on the whole set of genes that are being expressed under certain conditions at a given time and differ considerably from one cell to another.

The development of new transcriptome sequencing technologies, such as RNA-Seq, has allowed us to advance the knowledge of the dynamics of gene expression and its influence on the development of many biological processes.Transcriptomes of cancer cells, for example, can help to understand carcinogenesis and stem cell processes, as well as cell development and differentiation.

A.I.R.’s innovation lies in the fact that it is the first RNA-Seq data analysis platform in the world capable of solving three important obstacles in the field of genomics: computing issues (specifically data storage, automation of results and duration of analysis); scientific issues generated by new Generation Sequencing technologies (interpretation and integration of data, in addition to offering new bioinformatics and statistical functions); and social issues (the lack of simple, easy-to use tools available to researchers, who are not highly proficient with bioinformatics).


The new era of transcriptomics

By launching A.I.R., Sequentia Biotech is enabling the scientific community with the possibility of analyzing and comparing RNA samples automatically, as well as interpreting the resulting data, all within the same package and more diligently than other existing methods. In addition, A.I.R. is not limited to model organisms; it works with any sequenced species, currently using a database of 45.000 genomes.

The platform uses the latest algorithms and bioinformatics methods published, and they are updated accordingly. It is also scalable, that is, an unlimited number of users can connect without compromising the quality and speed of the service, and users can upload data from their own G-drive without having to connect to the cloud.

 “A.I.R. is the first disruptive SaaS (Software as a Service) solution because, in addition to using robust scientific methods, it is a fast and user-friendly software. It only requires three steps and results can be obtained in just 2 hours, in fact, depending on the type and number of samples, the time of analysis can be reduced to only 30 minutes. The cost of analysis with A.I.R. is also 50 times lower than other comparable methods (in terms of the quality offered). Furthermore, the system is automated and only requires users to upload their data and define their species reference genome, no specialized training is required. Any researcher who is not a bioinformatics expert can use the system”, further explains Walter Sanseverino, co-founder and CEO of Sequentia Biotech.

Sequentia has procured funding from SME Instrument Phase,1 –as part of the Horizon 2020 program– under the category ‘Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme’  for the A.I.R project. This 50,000 € grant is intended for small and medium-sized European companies that invest in innovative projects with great economic and social impact.

Sequentia will be formally introducing this revolutionary platform to the scientific community at the upcoming Plant and Animal Genome XXV Conference (PAG) – to be held from 14 to 18 January in San Diego, California (USA), the world’s largest and most important agrigenomics meeting, bringing together more than 3,000 outstanding scientists and researchers from different areas of plant molecular biology and animal genetics every year.

• More information about A.I.R.: