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The Barcelona Science Park hosts the “Patents in Life Sciences” course

By 16 de October de 2009November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The Barcelona Science Park hosts the “Patents in Life Sciences” course

On October 21 and 22, a course on patents in the field of health sciences will be held in the Antoni Caparros Auditorium of the Barcelona Science Park (c. Baldiri i Reixac, 4). This course aims to update knowledge and perform an in-depth analysis of the most controversial or challenging aspects in this area. The course, which will also be offered in Madrid two days prior (October 19-20), will take place from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and has been jointly organized by The Patents Centre of the University of Barcelona, located at the PCB, and the Spanish Office of Patents and Brands(OEPM).

This course, titled “Patents in Life Sciences: An In-Depth and Updated Course for Practitioners”, is especially aimed at professionals, consultants and experts who work in this field in companies, public organizations and technology transfer offices of universities and research institutes. Its objective is to go one step beyond the difficulties that frequently appear in this field, and to share and analyse the latest news and developments, while taking into account the progress experienced by biologic sciences, which has allowed to broaden the spectrum of inventions that can be subjected to patents, such as new systems and technologies for the administration of drugs, diagnosis and screening methods, research tools and drug targets.

Other aspects of interest that will be tackled are the recent changes that have taken place in patentability requirements and in the drafting of claims in medical methods, new trends that are taking root in Europe from a regulatory framework point of view, legal decisions that have been established in relation to patent infractions in the biotech sector, illegal publicity on the internet or laws against the creation of monopolies.

The course will be taught by three European agents of the Hoffmann·Eitle Firm of Munich (Germany): Thorsten Bausch, Joachim Renken and Joseph Taormino, who bring a wealth of experience in patents.

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