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The Barcelona Science Park hosts the presentation of the INNOCASH programme

By 13 de July de 2009November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The Barcelona Science Park hosts the presentation of the INNOCASH programme

Today, July 14, the presentation of the INNOCASH program has been held in the Antoni Caparrós Auditorium of the Barcelona Science Park (Baldiri Reixac, 4). The program, which aims to foster innovation, is a public-private initiative promoted by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) and managed by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT). The objective of the program is to guide and favour private investment in innovation projects generated by Public Research Centres, universities and Technological Centres. The event, organized by the FECYT in collaboration with the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) and the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation (FBG) has been presented by the director of the Innocash initiative, Rafael Camacho. Subsequently a debate has been held to clarify doubts and at the end a space has been provided to address cases individually.

The objective of the InnoCash programme is to make the private sector invest in the creation of technological companies or groups of economic interest for innovation (GEII) which will boost advanced R+D programmes with clear projections for industrial development and commercialization. These programmes will help bridge the gap that currently exists between the phase of invention and protection of research results – from projects conducted by universities and research centres- and the phase of commercial exploitation.

The mobilization of private funding, mainly from investors (banks, risk capital companies, family offices) and industrial companies, will be based on real business projections and fiscal write offs for R+D+i, in accordance with current legislation (Art.35, Royal Legislative Decree 4/2004, which approves the refunded text of the Corporate Tax Law («BOE» 61, dated 11-3-2004).

The IINNOCASH programme is framed within the so-called “Plan E” to stimulate economy and employment that is promoted by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN), and has a budget of 6,5 million Euros for 2009. The distribution of this funding will respond to a double selection process: a first phase for project valuation (Phase 1), which will take place via a public call, and a second phase (Phase 2) of co-investment with the private sector in projects that will be 50% funded by the FECYT.