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The Barcelona Science Park launches Barcelona Business Ready

By 22 de November de 2011November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The Barcelona Science Park launches Barcelona Business Ready

The Barcelona Science Park (PCB) has launched the Barcelona Business Ready programme (BBR), a new service for companies and public research groups in the field of life sciences looking for temporary spaces at special rental conditions in an ecosystem that actively contributes to accelerate their business or their research projects.

This programme aims to support national and international entrepreneurs who want to maximize results and minimize investment, find partners for collaborative projects, explore new markets and promote their business or research in a flexible and efficient manner.

The services offered through this programme have been specially designed to drive innovative projects in the areas of science, technology and business. We offer face to face interaction with stakeholders in the BioRegion of Catalonia and with national and international networks; other networking activities; marketing, communication, growth and business-development services; public and private funding sources and access to cutting-edge equipment and facilities.

Barcelona Business Ready website [+]

Barcelona Business Ready presentation [+]