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The Catalonia BioRegion to boost biotechnology, a driving force behind the economy of this region

By 22 de February de 2006November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The Catalonia BioRegion to boost biotechnology, a driving force behind the economy of this region

On Wednesday 22 February, the Catalonia BioRegion was officially presented at the Palau de la Generalitat de Catalunya. This Bioregion aims to coordinate biotech activities in order to boost this sector in the Catalan economy and to promote Catalonia as an international reference in this field. The presentation was chaired by the First Minister and acting President, Josep Bargalló, and was attended by the minister for Universities, Research and the Information Society, Carles Solà; the minister for Employment and Industry, Josep Maria Rañé; the minister of Economy, Antoni Castells; and the minister of Health, Marina Geli; all members of the Board of Governors of the Catalonia BioRegion Foundation.

The act included contributions from the director of the Interdepartmental Committee for Technological Research and Innovation (CIRIT), Marta Aymerich, who presented the project; the president of the Executive Committee of the Catalonia BioRegion, Joan Cornet; the president of the Laboratoris Esteve, Antoni Esteve; and the rector of the Pompeu Fabra University, Josep Joan Moreso.

The Catalonia BioRegion, launched through its Foundation, which was established on 14 February, aims to improve quality of life by co-ordinating activities in biotechnology performed in Catalonia, mainly in the field of life sciences ands the agroalimentary sector. This initiative seeks to consolidate Catalonia as an international reference in research of excellence and a region with a competitive business foundation and a solid and dynamic system for transferring knowledge.

In addition, the Catalonia BioRegion also aims to boost economic and social development through the promotion of a strategic sector, such as that of biotechnology. This field is considered a key factor not only as a means by which to increase knowledge but also as a economic driving force, thereby boosting the establishment of more biotech enterprises in Catalonia and attracting overseas business interests.

Supported by local government, the Catalonia BioRegion seeks to develop a strategy that promotes interrelations between the private and public sectors in order to develop an optimum environment for the transfer of knowledge and technology. Consequently, it aims to coordinate universities, public research centres, large technological facilities, teaching hospitals, science parks, businesses, capital risk enterprises and other agents that operate in this field.