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The director of the IDP, Eliseo Aja, becomes the new president of the Council of Warranties

By 14 de December de 2009November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The director of the IDP, Eliseo Aja, becomes the new president of the Council of Warranties

Eliseo Aja, professor of constitutional Law at the University of Barcelona (UB) and director of the Public Law Institute (IDP) –located at the Barcelona Science Park- has been appointed to the position of president of the Council of Statutory Warranties (CGE). The take over ceremony took place at the Sant Jordi Auditorium of the Palace of the Generalitat last November 23rd and was presided by José Montilla, president of the Generalitat.

The council, which holds organic, functional and budgetary autonomy, is the Generalitat’s institution that safeguards the adequation of the Generalitat’s provisions to the Local Statutes, the “Estatut”, and to the Constitution, and substitutes the Advisory Board. It is also the responsibility of the CGE to determine the defense of the local autonomy prior to filling of claims of unconstitutionality, competence conflicts before the Constitutional Tribunal.

This organization boasts complete independence from executive, legislative and judicial bodies in the performance of its functions, by means of technical-legal rulings which in no case express opportunity or convenience criteria.

Born in Santander in 1946, Eliseo Aja has had a PhD in Law from the University of Barcelona since 1973. He has taught Political Law classes at the UB and since 1983 he has been professor of Constitutional Law at the same university. He has been the director of several research groups funded by the Spanish government. It should be noted that Eliseo Aja has directed the Report of Autonomous Communities for ten years (1989-1999), a report that is developed yearly by the Public Law Institute of Barcelona. He has also been part of several advisory committees for constitutional and legislative reform, especially in topics relating to regionalization, in several countries, and he has been the president of the Constitutionalists Association of Spain. He has published several books, including “The Autonomic State, Federalism and differential traits” (Madrid, 1999, Alianza) and “Autonomous Communities and Immigration” (Valencia, 2006, Tirant lo Blanc-IDP).

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