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The FBG organizes the 2nd edition of the conference Crea!Oportunitats

By 12 de March de 2012November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The FBG organizes the 2nd edition of the conference Crea!Oportunitats

The purpose of Crea!Oportunitats is to promote entrepeneurship in the university community and to make known new careers in research, such as entrepreneurship. On the other hand, the conference wants to inform researchers the particularities about working for firms and institutions from the university and the support provides by the FBG.

The purpose of the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation is to contribute to the development of the third mission that society requests for universities: the transfer of knowledge and technology. We are pioneers in building rapid direct connections between the University and the new requirements and realities of society – we are the link between the University, business and society.

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