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The IBEC coordinates a EU-funded project aimed to improve treatment and prognosis of spinal diseases

By 28 de December de 2010November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The IBEC coordinates a EU-funded project aimed to improve treatment and prognosis of spinal diseases

MySpine, or ‘Functional prognosis simulation of patient-specific spinal treatment', is a major new research project funded by the EU which aims to address the current limitations in the treatment and prognosis of back problems such as degenerative disc disease. Coordinated by IBEC, MySpine aims to develop a ‘virtual spine' to guide clinicians in making the right decisions on how to treat various pathologies based on data specific to the patient.

This project, which also involves groups from the Netherlands, Austria, France, Spain and Hungary, will start in March 2011 and is funded as a STREP (small or medium‐scale focused research project) under FP7.