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The Large Marine Vertebrates Research Group of the IRBio, winner of the Generalitat’s 2010 Environmental Award

By 7 de June de 2010November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The Large Marine Vertebrates Research Group of the IRBio, winner of the Generalitat’s 2010 Environmental Award

The Large Marine Vertebrates Research Group, led by professor Àlex Aguilar, of the Department of Animal Biology and the Biodiversity Institute (IRBio) of the UB –based at the Barcelona Science Park- has won the "2010 Environmental Award of the Generalitat de Catalunya" in the category of biodiversity conservation, within the modality of research projects, an award that especially recognizes "the repercussions of this type of research at a national and international level and its application to the conservation of some of the most endangered species of the Mediterranean". The "2010 Environmental Awards of the Generalitat de Catalunya" –which on this occasion coincided with the International Year of Biodiversity- were delivered on Thursday June 3 at the Palau de la Música Catalana, in a ceremony presided by the Minister of Environment and Housing, Francesc Baltasar.

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