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The new secretary of Innovation, Juan Tomás Hernani, visits PCB

By 20 de July de 2009November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The new secretary of Innovation, Juan Tomás Hernani, visits PCB

Today, Monday, July 20th, Juan Tomás Hernani, the new secretary general for Innovation of the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) and José Moreno Navarro, director general for the Transfer of Technology and Business Development of the MICINN, visited the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) with the aim of getting to know "first hand" the research conducted at PCB's facilities. MICINN´s representatives were accompanied by Màrius Rubiralta, secretary general of Universities of the Ministry of Education (MEC), and several representatives from PCB headed by Fernando Albericio, director general of PCB; Roser Artal, managing director; Mercè Gómez, director of Communications and Institutional Relations; Jesús Purroy, director of Investigation and Innovation and Jordi Quintana, director of Scientific Policy.

This institutional event was inaugurated by Fernando Albericio who gave a presentation of the Barcelona Science Park at the Meeting Hall located at the Cluster Building. Next, government representatives and PCB representatives were given a tour of the Park’s facilities and visited different scientific-technological units, including the Combinatorial Chemistry Technological Core Facility (PTQC), the Drug Discovery Core Facility and the Nanotechnology Core Facility. The Combinatorial Chemistry Technological Core Facility (PTQC) offers research and development services (R+D) to sectors of the chemical-pharmaceutical industry, biomedical and veterinary industries as well as to university centres and research teams from public entities. The Drug Discovery Core facility works jointly with researchers from the University of Barcelona, with other technological core facilities and with companies based at PCB with the aim of promoting and adding value to research work associated to drug discovery. The Nanotechnology core facility provides researchers with the necessary tools to carry out t heir research work in nanotechnology, with special emphasis on nanobioengineering projects.

After visiting the main facilities at PCB, the group visited a series of PCB-based private companies, including Neuroscience Technologies, a company dedicated to biomedical research in the field of neuropathic pain; Infinitec Activos, specialised in the development and innovation of advanced active ingredients for the cosmetic industry, and finally, the Biomed division of the Leitat Technological Centres, the objective of which is to identify new targets in oncology and to generate new molecular entities that modulate them.

The event concluded with a visit to the new R+D+I Towers, part of PCB’s phase II construction plan, where the visitors had the chance to get to know in situ the expansion works currently under way and which are expected to be completed in 2011.