The Parc Científic de Barcelona is one of Europe’s model ecosystems in research, technology transfer and innovation, covering a built-up surface area of more than 100,000 m² with some 3,453 professionals working mainly in the health sector: pharmacology, biotechnology, medical technologies, food and cosmetics.

Located in Barcelona, ​​the Park features more than 33,000 m2 of laboratory and office space that it leases out, coupled with an extensive range of scientific services on offer in the domain of the life sciences. The Park was built by the University of Barcelona in 1997, becoming the first science Park in Spain.


To promote research, knowledge transfer and innovation in the public and private sectors, through intelligent space management, technology offer and the promotion of liaison and dialogue with the PCB community.


To be a worldwide benchmark public-private research community to promote the scientific leadership of Catalonia, its economic growth and talent attraction.

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The PCB’s timeline

Between 1994, when it was created, and 2021, the Park has grown in terms of space, community and expertise, which has all made it a reference centre in Europe in scientific, technology and business innovation in the health and life sciences. Let us recap on some of the most important moments of the Park’s history through its timeline.

Cool Timeline


The project of the Parc Científic de Barcelona was conceived as an initiative of the University of Barcelona intended to promote research, knowledge transfer and innovation.


It was constituted in the Palace of the Government of Catalonia and became Spain’s first scientific park.


The architectural project was approved, involving a usable surface area of 60,000 m2, which was to host laboratories, offices and scientific services, and work was undertaken.


The first building, Torre D, was officially opened, and was to host the University of Barcelona’s first research groups.


The 800 MHz NMR was installed, the second-largest device of its kind in Europe..


The Clúster I Building was officially opened, with 36 laboratory space modules. The Instituto de Biología Molecular de Barcelona (IBMB-CSIC) and the Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Barcelona (IRB Barcelona) set up.


The Technology Platforms were created, thus extending the Park’s offer of scientific services.

Merck, the first multinational to set up in the PCB, team, set up Spain’s only preclinical cancer research centre.


Creation of the CIDEM-PCB Bioincubator, which can host and promote up to 5 companies from the biotechnology sector.


The Instituto de Bioingeniería de Cataluña (IBEC), created by the UB, the UPC and the Government of Catalonia, set up in the Park.



The Investigación en Sociedad [Research in Society] programme was created. The activities it had been engaging in since 2002, intended to bring research closer to society and promote scientific vocations, were consolidated.



Creation of the PCB-Santander Bioincubator, the Park’s second one, which hosts 20 companies, most of which are spin-offs from university projects in the healthcare area.


The laboratory spaces were extended by 6,500 m2 with the Hèlix Building.


The Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico [National Genomic Analysis Centre] (CNAG) was created.


The architectural project was completed with the building and start-up of the Clúster II Building. The first company to set up there was Esteve.


A population of 2,700 and more than 100 companies and organisations installed was reached.


We have reached 20th anniversary as a scientific and business innovation centre


The Park consolidates solvent figures with €19.2 million revenue and a net result of €1.6 million.


The year of the outbreak of the pandemic saw an increase in demand, especially for laboratories. In response, a total of 2,945 m2 of new space was provided, representing an increase of 11%. The PCBeach outdoor space was also inaugurated, designed so that Community members can eat, rest or socialise in the open air.


The BCN Health Booster accelerator is launched, an initiative promoted by the Barcelona Science Park and the Barcelona City Council with the support of Barcelona Activa and the collaboration of Biocat to promote emerging companies in healthcare. The initiative will support eleven innovative business projects for three years, offering them discounts on lab rental fees and access to training, mentoring and free advice from experts in the sector.



Installation of the first 1.0 GHz nuclear magnetic resonance device in Spain and one of a few worldwide, led by the Scientific and Technological Centres of the UB (CCitUB).



The Park’s first Sustainability Plan (2022-2025).



Achievement of full occupation of the Park.



The Barcelona Science Park of the University of Barcelona (UB) will signs the contract for the establishment of two new research centres with ties to Barcelona’s Hospital Clínic: the August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBAPS) and the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal). The move is the first step in setting up the future Campus Clínic of Barcelona on Avinguda Diagonal, which will have more than 290,000 square metres given over to healthcare, teaching and health research.



The BCN Health Booster acceleration program has ended, promoted by the Barcelona Science Park and Barcelona City Council with the support of Barcelona Activa and the collaboration of Biocat to promote business projects in the field of health with a high innovative potential and social impact. Over the past three years, the eleven participating startups have raised 107.5 million euros in public and private funding and have registered a total of 69 patents, three of which are pending. The human teams have increased by 99% with the attraction of international talent and outstanding female leadership.