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The PCB hosts the presentation of the Science Fiction Theatre ‘Secret Thoughts’

By 13 de June de 2014November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Foto: © Parc Científic de Barcelona.

The PCB hosts the presentation of the Science Fiction Theatre ‘Secret Thoughts’

After the great success of Copenhagen, the premiere presentation of another initiative from the Science Fiction Theater, 'Secret Thoughts' written by David Lodge, was held yesterday, June 12, at the Auditorium of the Parc Cientific de Barcelona. The play addresses the dilemma of human consciousness and takes on a new focus to the famous thesis of the English physicist and writer, CP Snow, on the two cultures –the scientific and the humanistic culture -destined to confront each also but also to attract each other. The play was attended by actress Mercè Pons, co-starring with Alex Casanovas of the play; Lluís Soler, director, and producers Jordi Roigé and Llorenç Rafecas, technical director of the biotech Enantia, located at the PCB, who has also translate into Catalan.

What moves us, the soul or the brain? The behavior of human consciousness aroused the interest of Lodge after reading the works of some experts, and in this play he brings up two different perspectives to analyze human behavior: the moralistic approach with religious background vs the hedonistic approach that drives us to enjoy the pleasures of life at the time when they occur. ‘Secret Thoughts’ revolves around the conflict between ethical principles of the characters and the sexual chemistry that arises between them.

Ralph Messenger, a famous and amoral scientist, director of the Institute of Cognitive Science at the University of Cheltenhan (UK), and Helen Reed, visiting professor of Creative Writing, am attractive novelist with strong religious convictions who became recently widowed, feel drawn to an impossible relation. Ralph will try to seduce her but will also try to convince her that the human mind is a complex set of logical operations, not the mysterious territory that Helen believes in, and that only can be explored from the enligments of literature and religion. From the outset, the viewer knows firsthand all the ‘secret thoughts’ of the starring characters, which Ralph records to conduct a scientific experiment and Helen writes in an intimate diary.

‘Secret Thoughts’ will premiere on September 17, 2014, at the Sala Muntaner Theater in Barcelona (with a capacity limited to 150 people). A 6-week season will be scheduled until October 26, with 30 performances in total from Wednesday to Sunday.

Would you like to star in ‘Secret Thoughts’?
If you want to become a partner, sponsor, co-producer or attend the premiere and subsequent glass of champagne with the team, please click on the

For more information:
Llorenç Rafecas