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The PCB, Madrid Science Park and ASEBIO collaborate in supporting young biotech enterprises

By 16 de January de 2007November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The PCB, Madrid Science Park and ASEBIO collaborate in supporting young biotech enterprises

The Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB, Barcelona Science Park) and the (Madrid Science Park) have signed collaboration agreements with the employers' association of the biotech sector . These agreements will allow new biotech enterprises in these park facilities access to services and participation in the association under more favourable conditions.

According to the president of ASEBIO, Cristina Garmendia, “the objective is that new business projects share experiences with more consolidated companies, improve their network of contacts and benefit from the services that ASEBIO provides to its members, among these the participation of eight workgroups”. The director of the PCB, Fernando Albericio, has stated that “biotech enterprises are the model of the new companies that develop from knowledge, innovation and technology. These companies have a transversal structure and require other enterprises in order to establish strategic and commercial agreements. In this regard, it is very important for these enterprises to be associated with organizations such as ASEBIO, which, in addition to other services can also provide coaching”.

The director of the Madrid Science Park commented “Barcelona and Madrid are the focal points of the development of new biotech initiatives and also host two of the most important science parks in Spain. Through this collaboration, the parks will increase the quality of the services provided to biotech enterprises and new biomedical initiatives, thereby ensuring that from their set-up business development is done in close contact with leaders in their sectors, which without a doubt will determine their viability and success”.

Through this agreement, companies who have been at the PCB and Madrid Science Park for less than 3 years will be able to join ASEBIO without having to pay registration fees and will be given a discount of 50% in the annual fee.