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The PCB organizes a virtual matchmaking meeting to promote partnership in the field of Central Nervous System

By 11 de April de 2012November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The PCB organizes a virtual matchmaking meeting to promote partnership in the field of Central Nervous System

ABCEurope Matchmaking Virtual–CNS, will be held on 19th and 20th of April. The event is a unique opportunity for European life science companies to contact virtually SMEs with innovative technologies in the field of CNS diseases for licensing or collaboration agreements. This online partnering meeting is the third of a series of meetings of the Virtual Matchmaking (VMM) created as part of the ABCEurope (acronym Advanced Biotech Cluster Platforms for Europe) project, in which the Barcelona Science Park is taking part. The registration deadline for submission of profiles closes on 10th of April.

The aim of the upcoming event is to provide life science small and medium size companies with a space for virtual matchmaking where they will be able – by means of one to one videoconference, Skype or telephone – to meet 16 European new technologies leading companies and find new potential business partners in an effective and cost-free way. Two, of the16 participating SMEs, are based at the Barcelona Science Park: Informatics Research Institute and Neurotec Pharma. Profiles of participating companies are available at:

The «ABCEurope» project has been promoted by the Council of European Bioregions (CEBR), with the aim to create a network comprising 13 European bioregions —key drivers in life sciences— to provide more efficient support services offered to SMEs and to implement various intervention programmes for the creation of a European Mega-Cluster of Excellence that enhances the impact of biotechnology in Europe.

The project is funded by the European Union under the Seventh Framework Programme with a budget of 3.5 million Euros and duration of three years (2009-2012). Its development will be accessible through the portal of Europa Innova, an initiative of the Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry of the European Commission which aims to become the laboratory for the creation and testing of new tools to support innovation.

Registration and profile submission: