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The PCB participates in the 27th World Conference on Science and Technology Parks

By 1 de June de 2010November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The PCB participates in the 27th World Conference on Science and Technology Parks

The Barcelona Science Park (PCB) actively participated in the 27th World Conference on Science and Technology Parks that took place at the end of this month in Daejeon (Korea), and which, under the slogan "Global Green Growth", focused this edition on promoting sustainable growth and drew over 1,000 delegates from the 70 countries that comprise the International Association of Science Parks (IASP). The inauguration ceremony took place on May 24, and was conducted by Joan Bellavista –president of the IASP and delegate of the president of the PCB- and by the prime minister of the Republic of Korea, Chung Un-Chan.

The general director of the Barcelona Science Park, Fernando Albericio, and the Director of Research and Innovation of the PCB, Jesús Purroy, who jointly presented the conference titled “Barcelona Science Park, from knowledge to innovation”, attended this event in representation of the PCB in order to explain the science park model advocated by the PCB, which includes the presence of researchers from the public sector and companies, as well as a wide array of resources to support research (scientific-technological units), endowed with strong infrastructures.

During the inauguration act, the president of the IASP, Joan Bellavista, emphasized the growing presence of Parks in the public policies and private investments in research and innovation of developed countries, and more and more so in emerging countries. He also indicated that over the course of these past two years of economic crisis the Parks have grown by 6%, a fact that demonstrates the progressive expansion

Notable invited speakers to the plenary sessions included two Nobel laureates: Robert Grubbs, professor of the California Institute of Technology, and Leo Esaki, president of the Yokohama College of Pharmacy and the Science and Technology Promotion Foundation of Ibaraki. Bjorn Lombork, writer and professor of the Copenhagen School of Business, internationally renowned for his work in the field of environmental assessment, also attended this event.