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The present and future of Spanish and European nanomedicine under debate at the PCB

By 12 de September de 2006November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The present and future of Spanish and European nanomedicine under debate at the PCB

What is the present status of nanotechnological applications in biomedicine in Spain? What European strategies have been developed to ensure that advances in nanomedicine reach the health sector in 15 years? On 15 September in the Antoni Caparrós Auditorium at the PCB, the and the will present reports that define the present and future of nanomedicine in Spain and Europe.

Furthermore, the Spanish Nanomedicine Platform (Nanomed Spain), which will also hold its first annual meeting at the PCB on Thursday 14 September, will present a report explaining the current status of nanomedicine in Spain and identifying scientific, technological and industrial opportunities in this field. This report also provides recommendations for the development of nanomedicine in Spain in the coming years.

In addition, the European Technology Platform on Nanomedicine will make public the strategic research agenda in this field. This agenda defines the challenges faced by nanotechnologies to improve health and resolve health-related problems concerning cancer, diabetes, muscular disorders and cardiovascular, neurodegenerative or infectious diseases.

Nanomedicine is defined as those medical practices that require nanometric-scale technologies aimed to improve the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases and traumatic lesions and also to ameliorate quality of life. The European and Spanish nanomedicine platforms examine this field by means of three central ideas on application: diagnosis; drug delivery, with the development of new methods of administration and dose regulation; and regenerative medicine, which applies technology to tissue engineering.