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The UB and the PCB host secondary students in the Summer Science Campuses

By 7 de July de 2010No Comments
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The UB and the PCB host secondary students in the Summer Science Campuses

The University of Barcelona (UB) –together with the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) and the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)-, will be hosting year 10 (1st ESO) and 11 (1st Baccalaureate) students from all over Spain, who have been selected due to their academic achievements to participate in the Summer Science Campuses organized by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology and the Ministry of Education. In total, fifty students will be assigned to one of the two two-week periods in July. The development of the research projects will be complemented with scientific and cultural entertainment activities, conferences and gatherings. In addition, the students are scheduled to visit the facilities of the Barcelona Science Park on July 14 and 28.

The objective of the Summer Science Campuses is to foster scientific vocations amongst young people by means of a series of activities that they themselves will have to carry out over the course of fifteen days, in different centres and regarding different topics. A total of 300 students throughout Spain will participate in the Summer Science Campuses, and will be assigned to different sites in Catalonia, Andalusia, Asturias, Cantabria, Galicia and Madrid. In the case of Catalonia, the students will participate in projects designed by teaching staff from the UB, the UPC (both are part of the Barcelona Knowledge Campus) and the UAB (UAB International Excellence Campus).

In the case of Catalonia, the students will participate in projects designed by teaching staff from the UB, the UPC (both are part of the Barcelona Knowledge Campus) and the UAB (UABCEI International Excellence Campus). The projects will be guided by university professors in collaboration with secondary school teachers. The students will work on different projects (Nanoscience: a miniature world in the laboratory; Understanding the physics that surround us; Robots at our service, and Visible and hidden mathematics in a technological world) and present the results obtained.