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The UB approves the creation of the Barcelona Entrepreneurship Institute

By 13 de June de 2013November 18th, 2020No Comments
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BIE will gather research groups and teaching staff from the UB and the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation.

The UB approves the creation of the Barcelona Entrepreneurship Institute

Yesterday, Wednesday 12th June, the Governing Council of the UB approved the creation of the Barcelona Entrepreneurship Institute (BIE), a centre to promote entrepreneurship that will gather research groups and teaching staff on this subject area from the University of Barcelona and the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation (FBG), based in the Parc Científic de Barcelona.

BIE will be a meeting point for research groups, technological centres and companies interested in developing R&D projects to promote entrepreneurial activities in different fields of knowledge. It aims at fostering Catalan business fabric.

Over the last few years, UB teaching staff has carried out entrepreneurial activities, by means of university networks —such as RedEmprendia, composed by eighteen Ibero-American universities; the Entrepreneurship University Network (XEU), which gathers all Catalan universities, and the Social Entrepreneurship University Network (RUES)—, or through initiatives emerged within the UB, such as the Entrepreneurship Chair, the project Alumni UB or the Student Support Service.

At the same time, the Business Creation Area of FBG aims at fostering entrepreneurial spirit and supporting entrepreneurs at the University of Barcelona in business issues, as well as at managing Innovative and Scientific Culture-UB investee companies in order to facilitate the transfer of knowledge.

The main objective of BIE is to coordinate the promotion and dissemination of all kinds of entrepreneurship, technological and social, arisen within the UB. Moreover, it wants to foster gender equality in entrepreneurship promotion activities, to become a model in the study of their scope of action, to promote collaboration with public and private organizations, and to organise seminars, conferences and workshops.