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The UB is the best positioned university in Spain according to the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2012

By 10 de July de 2012November 18th, 2020No Comments
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QS World University Rankings analyses university quality according to different quality parameters.

The UB is the best positioned university in Spain according to the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2012

The UB is among the world's top 200 universities in 24 out of the 29 disciplines of knowledge analysed in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2012. It is also the only Spanish university that excels in 17 of the aforementioned fields, according to this international ranking. QS World University Rankings analyses university quality according to research quality, graduate employment index, commitment to teaching and international projection.

According to this ranking, no other university in Spain —and very few universities in the world— excels like the UB in the world’s top 200 in the five major areas of knowledge that have been analysed, that is, Arts and Humanities, Engineering and Technology, Life Sciences and Medicine, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences and Management.

The UB is the only university in Spain to be mentioned in the elite of the best positioned centres in a total of 17 subareas of knowledge; in particular, in History, Philosophy, Geography and Area Studies, and Linguistics (within Arts and Humanities); Computer Science and Information Systems, Chemical Engineering and Electrical Engineering (within Engineering and Technology); Medicine, Biological Sciences, Pharmacy and Pharmacology (within Life Sciences and Medicine); Chemistry, Materials Science, Mathematics, Environmental Science, Marine and Earth Sciences (within Natural Sciences), and Sociology and Education (within Social Sciences and Management). Worth mentioning is the fact that the total list of 24 disciplines of knowledge that place the UB among the 200 best universities in the world is completed with the fields of English Language and Literature, Modern Languages, Mechanical Engineering, Psychology, Physics and Astronomy, Statistics and Operations Research, and finally, Economics and Econometrics.

In addition to these conclusions, compared with the previous edition of the QS World University Rankings, the UB has improved its results in the field of Modern Languages, Medicine, Chemistry and Sociology. Furthermore, worth highlighting are the UB’s leading results in Pharmacy and Pharmacology and in Education, two subareas that have been included for the first time in this international ranking.

According to the QS World University Rankings 2011-2012, the UB is one of the top 200 universities in the world and continues to be the first Spanish university (it ranks 176). The ranking is headed by the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), Harvard University (United States), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT, United States), Yale University (United States) and University of Oxford (United Kingdom). The other universities in Spain that occupy good positions are the Autonomous University of Barcelona (it ranks 194), the Autonomous University of Madrid (it ranks 222) and the Complutense University of Madrid (it ranks 253).

The UB also heads the I-UGR ranking of Spanish Universities according to fields and scientific disciplines. I-UGR ranking results place the UB first in seven out of twelve of the scientific fields analysed for the period 2007-2011; and in eight fields if the decade 2002-2011 is taken into account. This ranking, drawn up by researchers at the universities of Granada and Navarra and formerly known as ISI Ranking, ranks the Spanish public and private universities according to the quantity and quality of scientific research.