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The University of Barcelona and the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation announce the Social Council Awards Call

By 12 de March de 2010November 18th, 2020No Comments
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The University of Barcelona and the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation announce the Social Council Awards Call

The Social Council of the University of Barcelona (UB) and the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation (FBG) –located at the Barcelona Science Park- announce the "Antoni Caparros Award" call to the best knowledge or technology transfer project and the "Senén Vilaró Award", to the best innovative company developed by a UB graduate or linked to the UB Group. The deadline to enter the Social Council and Bosch i Gimpera Foundation Awards is May 31.

The “Antoni Caparros Award” and the “Senén Vilaró Award”, presented for the third time this year, are jointly promoted by the FBG and by the UB’s Social Council with the objective of boosting the return to society of knowledge acquired over the course of the studies and research, assessing the importance of technology and innovation transfer projects, fostering the creation of innovative companies and promoting entrepreneurial culture within the scope of the UB Group.

The winners of the 2009 edition were Dr. Ana Inés Fernández with the project “Use of low content magnesium oxide in environmental technology and materials” in the Antoni Caparros modality, and the company Biocontrol Technologies –located at the Barcelona Science Park- in the Senén Vilaró modality. Biocontrol Technologies – a spin-off created in 2004 and in which the UB is a shareholder- is specialised in the isolation, development, registering, production and commercialization of natural microorganisms to be used as biologic management agents (biofungicides) for crop diseases. The jury wished to award the company’s creation model, the importance of its technology transfer project and the market opportunity presented by products developed by this company.

The Social Council Awards are also offered annually in the modality “José Manuel Blecua Award” and “Ramon Margalef Award” (this year marking the 6th edition) with the objective of promoting PhD studies, highlighting the double aspect of high quality R+D originated from the UB’s PhD programmes, and gaining deeper insight into this generated activity, as well as maintaining more fluid contact with doctors at the University of Barcelona.