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Thera and Oracle jointly develop informatics tools to bring computers closer to our thought processes

By 17 de September de 2004November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Thera and Oracle jointly develop informatics tools to bring computers closer to our thought processes

In order to design informatics systems that facilitate access to large amounts of information and to databanks, the company Thera, Centre for Languages and Computation, which is located at the Parc Científic de Barcelona, together with Oracle, has developed a series of intelligent informatics tools that allow users to consult and find information.

These tools represent a new generation of data recovery systems, since they combine interfaces and data bases, provided by Oracle, with language engineering applications, developed by Thera.
For instance, a system that has been developed with language engineering tools can differentiate words that are written and pronounced in the same way but that have distinct meanings, such as “exhaust” (noun) and “exhaust” (verb). This system can also make semantic associations of related words. For example, when searching for “house” (noun), the system will also find the words “domicile”, “flat”, “apartment” or “abode”.
These new developments will be presented at 16.00 h on Monday 20 September at the Parc Tecnològic del Vallès (PTV, Vallès Technology Park) as part of the programme “Mondays at the PTV”, in a conference entitled “Intelligent systems for consulting and finding information: the new generation “.