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Tribute to Montserrat Baucells and Montserrat Roure of the SCT-UB, on the occasion of their retirement

By 17 de February de 2010November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Tribute to Montserrat Baucells and Montserrat Roure of the SCT-UB, on the occasion of their retirement

Last Friday February 12 a tribute to Montserrat Baucells and Montserrat Roure, director and subdirector, respectively, of the UB's Scientific-Technical Services (SCT-UB) –located at the Barcelona Science Park- was held in the Great Hall of the University of Barcelona (UB) in the occasion of their retirement. The event was presided by the rector of the University of Barcelona, Dídac Ramírez, together with the general secretary of Universities and the University's ex-rector, Marius Rubiralta, as well as numerous academicians and members of the university community who wished to acknowledge the task carried out by Baucells and Roure.

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