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A recipe for isolating and growing human intestinal stem cells at the lab bench

By 5 de September de 2011November 18th, 2020No Comments
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A recipe for isolating and growing human intestinal stem cells at the lab bench

Scientists led by Eduard Batlle, ICREA Professor and researcher at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona), based at the Barcellona Scientific Park, discovered the precise location of the stem cells in the human colon and worked out a method that allows them to be isolated and expanded in vitro, effectively propagating them in lab plates.

This achievement, published in Nature Medicine, is a crucial advance towards regenerative medicine because this is the first time that human colon stem cells have been identified and grown in a lab plate. The research has been conducted as part of a close collaboration between Batlle’s team, the group led by Hans Clevers at the Hubrecht Institute and the University Medical Center Utrecht in The Netherlands, and María A. Blasco at the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre in Madrid (Spain).

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