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CRG and CNAG join forces to boost genomics research

By 3 de May de 2012November 18th, 2020No Comments
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CRG and CNAG join forces to boost genomics research

The Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), based in the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park, and the National Centre for Genomic Analysis (CNAG), based in the Barcelona Science Park, have signed a collaboration agreement with the aim of boosting research in the field of genomic analysis. This partnership provides the framework for collaboration in specific research projects and the promotion of research of interest to both institutions.

The first consequence of the signing of this agreement, is that the Structural Genomics Group of the CNAG, will also join the Gene Regulation, Stem Cells and Cancer programme of the CRG, coordinated by Juan Valcárcel and Thomas Graf.

With this dual affiliation, the Structural Genomics group will have better resources to develop their science both experimentally and computationally. The group will carry out its laboratory work at the CRG where it will have access to the most innovative experimental techniques, cutting-edge scientific services and facilities and the collaboration of top-level researchers at the centre as well as the full range of seminars and conferences the CRG organises for its members. At the same time, it will provide the CRG with its expertise in 3D genome analysis. The computational activity of the group, which involves both sequencing and sequence analysis, will continue at the CNAG which has the computing capacity needed to make powerful computer calculations.

The Structural Genomics group, headed by researcher Marc A. Marti-Renom, is principally interested in revealing the molecular mechanisms that regulate the cell. To do this they use the laws of physics and evolution to develop and apply computational methods to help predict the 3D structure of macromolecules and their complexes. In particular the Structural Genomics Group focuses its efforts on 3 areas of research: the structural determination of genomes and genomic domains, the structural determination and prediction of RNA molecules and the structural prediction of proteins and their complexes.

This alliance is in line with the strategic guidelines set out by the recently passed Science Law fostering the mobility of researchers to increase critical mass and scientific competitiveness.

“Modern science is increasingly interdisciplinary, it is impossible for a single centre to have all the expertise and technology necessary to be globally competitive. That is why strategic partnerships such as that we have with the CNAG contribute to increasing the competitiveness of national centres”, said Luis Serrano, director of the CRG.

Ivo Gut, director of the CNAG states that “we already have joint projects with the CRG but this agreement will foster an even closer collaboration which will increase the capacity of both institutions. This collaboration not only optimises resources but also increases the capacity of Spanish institutions to retain research talent.”

Image: Marc A. Marti-Renom, Group Leader at National Center for Genomic Analysis (CNAG)