PhD Thesis Defence: Joel Paz – Mechanisms of Disease Programme
Aula Magna, Facultat Ciències de la Terra UBJoel Paz - Microtubule Organization Title: "Molecular analysis of MTOC Assembly - The Role of Ninein-like Protein"
Joel Paz - Microtubule Organization Title: "Molecular analysis of MTOC Assembly - The Role of Ninein-like Protein"
Training future leaders in health and life Science. Integration of entrepreneurship skills Entrepreneurship & innovation training course optimized for biomedical researchers is aligned with market demands and strategic policies. This...
Alba Pons - Gene Translation Laboratory Title: "Slimp: A Mitochondrial Protein Involved in Cell Cycle Regulation"
Ens complau anunciar que el Premi IRB Barcelona Alumni Excellence 2021 es lliurarà a la Dra. Rosana Collepardo-Guevara, Group Leader a la Universitat de Cambridge. El lliurament del premi tindrà lloc el divendres 17...
Training future leaders in health and life Science. Integration of entrepreneurship skills Entrepreneurship & innovation training course optimized for biomedical researchers is aligned with market demands and strategic policies. This...
Speaker: Ana Martin-Villalba, PhD. - Division of Molecular Neurobiology - German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) - Heidelberg - Germany
Stem cells show intrinsic interferon signalling, which protects them from viral infections. In the brain, type I interferon signalling increases in neural stem cells (NSCs) as they age and reduces...
Training future leaders in health and life Science. Integration of entrepreneurship skills Entrepreneurship & innovation training course optimized for biomedical researchers is aligned with market demands and strategic policies. This...
Speaker: Mitchell A. Lazar, PhD. - Willard and Rhoda Ware Professor in Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases - Director, Institute for Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism - University of Pennsylvania - Perelman School...
Glandular epithelia including the mammary gland (MG) and the prostate glands are composed of basal cells (BCs) and luminal cells (LCs). Many glandular epithelia develop from multipotent basal stem cells...
Training future leaders in health and life Science. Integration of entrepreneurship skills Entrepreneurship & innovation training course optimized for biomedical researchers is aligned with market demands and strategic policies. This...
Training future leaders in health and life Science. Integration of entrepreneurship skills Entrepreneurship & innovation training course optimized for biomedical researchers is aligned with market demands and strategic policies. This...