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Greenaltech joins the Bioincubator of the Barcelona Science Park

By 9 de March de 2011November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Greenaltech joins the Bioincubator of the Barcelona Science Park

Greenaltech, a biotech dedicated to R+D and the industrial exploitation of microalgae as sustainable "biofactories" of natural and high added value products, has joined the PCB-Santander Bioincubator, located at the Barcelona Science Park, where it has set up a laboratory space in the Helix Building.

The company, a recently created start-up, has an extensive library of microalgae that are characterized according to their biosynthetic potential and also develops its own technology for the modeling of their properties, with the aim of offering custom-tailored production solutions –clean, sustainable, high quality and cost-competitive- for the cosmetic, food, pharmaceutical and bioenergy industries.

The PCB-Santander Bioincubator is a project promoted by the Barcelona Science Park, the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation and the Santander Bank, which aims to participate in the long term strengthening of technology-based entrepreneurial tissue in the biotech sector in Catalonia, contributing to the establishment of a critical mass in R+D+I, and to promote innovation and competitiveness at a worldwide scale.