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Intelligent Pharma wins the EmprenedorXXI Award in Catalonia

By 8 de June de 2010November 18th, 2020No Comments
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Intelligent Pharma wins the EmprenedorXXI Award in Catalonia

Intelligent Pharma –based at the Barcelona Science Park- has been the winner of the autonomic phase of the 4 edition of the EmprenedorXXI Award, which took place yesterday in Barcelona. This award is promoted by "la Caixa", co-granted by the National Innovation Company (ENISA) –affiliated with the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade, by means of the general Directorate of Policy of SME- and organized by Barcelona Activa and the Employment Department of the Generalitat. The awards ceremony has been conducted within the framework of the Barcelona Entrepreneurial Capital Awards. A total of 66 companies in Catalonia, amongst which Enertika and WorldSensing have been finalists, applied for this award.

Intelligent Pharma has received an award of 10,000 Euros in cash, in addition to a grant to participate in the Ignite Fast Tracking Innovation of the University of Cambridge and a visit to one of the most important innovation centres of the world (the United States, China, etc.), where they will be able to contact international companies and gain direct knowledge of business opportunities, collaboration and innovation. In addition, the company will compete, together with the other autonomic awardees, in the final phase of the Award. The state winner will obtain 30,000 Euros; the second place winner, 15,000 Euros; and the third, 10,000 Euros. These amounts are added to the cash prize received for winning the regional phase. The final phase of this award will take place in Barcelona on June 15 and 16, within the framework of bizbarcelona, where two other awards will be delivered: the one pertaining to the Company Plan Competition and a new modality called Ambaixador Barcelona.

Intelligent Pharma is a biotech dedicated to the research, development and commercialization of new computational tools for drug design. Its two main business lines consist, on the hand, of offering scientific-computational services to companies that are dedicated to the discovery of new drugs or new applications of already known drugs and, on the other hand, the provision of technical services to life sciences companies that wish to computerize the processes of chemical, biological and pharmaceutical research.

The EmprenedorXXI Award was born in 2007 with the aim of fostering the development of new innovative companies and identifying the companies with the highest potential for growth in each region. It is the only award of this kind that offers an autonomic phase, which is implemented in each region thanks to the promotion efforts of over 30 local and regional entities associated with the creation of companies and entrepreneurship.

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